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problems with 1 Servo and servo4.spin — Parallax Forums

problems with 1 Servo and servo4.spin

nomadnomad Posts: 276
edited 2007-02-07 08:34 in Propeller 1
i am a newbie,
i want make test with 1 servo and my programm "servoTest_1.spin"
would not running.
i have changed the servo4.spin-program into my programm.
outputPin = 0
the circuit is = ServoTestCircuits.bmp
please have a look on my programm,
i am verry happy, when somebody have a little sample-spin program for only 1 servo.
thanks for all help.
attachments: servoTest_1.spin
············ ServoTestCircuits.bmp·
excuse my bad english


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