reading a PC keyboard with a BS1
I·know how to use the the following command to receive keyboard input from the debug window using a BS2:
Serin 16, baud [noparse][[/noparse]Command]
How do I do it using a BS1?· I have my program cable and BS1 Serial Adapter attached to my BS1, but I can't seem to figure out how I can read a keystroke that is entered into the input portion of the debug terminal window...
I did a few searches, but can't seem to find sample code for a BS1... any ideas?
Serin 16, baud [noparse][[/noparse]Command]
How do I do it using a BS1?· I have my program cable and BS1 Serial Adapter attached to my BS1, but I can't seem to figure out how I can read a keystroke that is entered into the input portion of the debug terminal window...
I did a few searches, but can't seem to find sample code for a BS1... any ideas?