Longest Range Video Transmitter for <$100?
Hi all-
Now that I have achieved my goal of remote controlling my model tank wirelessly over the phone line (e.g unlimited range), I was wondering what the greatest range of a·video transmitter and reciever pair·is that I can get for under·one hundred dollars or so that don't require an FCC license etc. It's great·to be able to·drive·the·tank as far as the battery·will allow, but it's not so great if I can't see it anymore[noparse]:)[/noparse]. I already·have a small camer that I could use with a transmitter, but I haven't found a good one yet.
I'd like to maximize the bang for the buck[noparse]:)[/noparse]
If anyone knows any good ones, can they please point me in the right·direction?
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Now that I have achieved my goal of remote controlling my model tank wirelessly over the phone line (e.g unlimited range), I was wondering what the greatest range of a·video transmitter and reciever pair·is that I can get for under·one hundred dollars or so that don't require an FCC license etc. It's great·to be able to·drive·the·tank as far as the battery·will allow, but it's not so great if I can't see it anymore[noparse]:)[/noparse]. I already·have a small camer that I could use with a transmitter, but I haven't found a good one yet.
I'd like to maximize the bang for the buck[noparse]:)[/noparse]
If anyone knows any good ones, can they please point me in the right·direction?
You've got to play the game.
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It doesn't get that cold.
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··Regarding transmitter kits, etc.:· How far?· What're we really talking about here?· The backyard, next door, around the block?
Update -- http://www.ramseyelectronics.com/cgi-bin/commerce.exe?preadd=action&key=TV6C
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 2/3/2007 1:23:23 PM GMT
You know how a regular RC system runs out of range after about ~100-200 yards? That's where the video transmitter comes in. The point of the range limitation is obvious, because after about 100 yards, the thing gets hard to see. Now, on level terrain, the tank can drive about a kilometer before the battery dies. So, I'd ideally like to get that range of transmission or more, because I have space to install a second battery in parallel with the first, if I ever want it to drive further.
The transmitters they sell on Ebay claim about 3500ft range (about a 1 km), with a transmission power of ~3000mW max. I was wondering if these numbers make sense, because if they do, that would be an ok unit, and the price is about $60. If that sounds like a good deal, cool. The problem is I wouldn't know, because I have no experience with that sort of stuff...maybe someone around here has worked with those units?
If you need any other info, let me know
Thanks everyone so far [noparse]:)[/noparse]
You've got to play the game.
You can't win.
You can't break even, except on a very cold day.
It doesn't get that cold.
~Laws of Thermodynamics~
It's Only A Stupid Question If You Have Not Googled It First!!
A little over my budget, sadly, but it sounds like a good price (may think about it). $140 for a medium range (1km min) system, with high-gain antennas it goes to 10km, the next size up (up to 15km with suitable antennas) goes for $200 without the high gain antennas. If they had a sale...[noparse]:)[/noparse][noparse]:)[/noparse]
You've got to play the game.
You can't win.
You can't break even, except on a very cold day.
It doesn't get that cold.
~Laws of Thermodynamics~
·keep up the good work and let us know how its going!!
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solutions are only "onramps" to the next problem
············································· "Brad Smith"