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Spin code for ultra cheap serial display on ebay.......Or BASS FISHING PROP APP — Parallax Forums

Spin code for ultra cheap serial display on ebay.......Or BASS FISHING PROP APP

bassmasterbassmaster Posts: 181
edited 2007-02-06 14:34 in Propeller 1
·'$12 goes to top display
·'$16 goes to bottom display
·'$17 throws 2 bytes away from the next text string??
·'$19 the next byte is ??? like a t = omega??
·'$11 then $0A blanks ?(disabled) top display····················
·'$11 then $01 = clear dosplay and goto home on top display
·'$11 then $04 = clear top and· write backwards scrolling!
·'$11 then $07 = clear top and write backwards scrolling!
·'$11 then $0F = blinking cursor on top display
· $11 then $13 = top backspace cursor one space (leaves characters) need to do a $12 before writing over chars....
· $11 then $1D = displays on top display "SPECIAL MESSAGE" whatever that means.
· $11 then &1f = shift top text one space to right
· $11 then $80 goes home, but does not clear. on top· display
·'$15 then $0A blanks ?(disabled) bottom display····················
·'$15 then $01 = clear dosplay and goto home on bottom display·· \
·'$15 then $0F = blinking cursor on bottom display
······· _clkmode······· = xtal1 + pll16x
······· _xinfreq······· = 5_000_000
········ byte y
······ ser: "FullDuplexSerial"'
······ kb: "Keyboard"
PUB go
· SER.start(0, 1,%0011, 4800)
· waitcnt(clkfreq+cnt)·················
· kb.start(26,27)··
· clearlcdbottom·
· clearlcdtop··
· setbottomhome
· settophome
· repeat
···· y := kb.getkey·····
··· CASE y
······· "/":
·········· clearlcdbottom
·········· setbottomhome
······· "\":
·········· clearlcdtop
·········· settophome
······· other:
·········· ser.tx(y)··
PUB clearlcdtop
· ser.tx($11)···
· ser.tx($01)
· waitcnt(clkfreq/10+cnt)
PUB clearlcdbottom
· ser.tx($15)··
· ser.tx($01)
· waitcnt(clkfreq/10+cnt)·
PUB settophome
· ser.tx($11)···
· ser.tx($0F)·········
· waitcnt(clkfreq/10+cnt)
· ser.tx($12)··············
PUB setbottomhome
· ser.tx($15)···
· ser.tx($0F)·······
· waitcnt(clkfreq/10+cnt)·········································
· ser.tx($16)

I do not know this seller, but bought 4 of them for 3.99 apeice with no data, as is they are 4800 8 Odd 1 but solder suck S3 blob and then it is 4800 8 N 1 the pin 1 goes to 5v regulated, pin 3 is tx input to lcd pin 4 is ground, thats it. Oh, if anyone figures out any more commands, let me know!!!


Post Edited (bassmaster) : 2/6/2007 3:02:23 PM GMT
640 x 480 - 35K


  • bassmasterbassmaster Posts: 181
    edited 2007-02-03 00:09
    fyi that was my wife on the keyboard, ser.str(string("HELLO WORLD")) works fine also.
  • QuattroRS4QuattroRS4 Posts: 916
    edited 2007-02-03 01:30
    Guess your wife loves you then Bassmaster !
  • bassmasterbassmaster Posts: 181
    edited 2007-02-03 02:34
    15 years, pay her 1/2 of the winnings from my tournament fishing and she is happy to stay at home and keep up the house and kids. Great wife.
  • scottascotta Posts: 168
    edited 2007-02-03 04:43

    Have you ever cycled a RGB led through a few hundred thousand
    colors/frequency combinations, right next to a bass ?

    They get very aggressive when the settings are correct ...
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2007-02-03 04:47
    I love to figure out how to use surplus displays too.
    I have over a hundred graphics LCD (parallal) that have a back light and everything, but the little I've played with them, I cannot figure you how to "talk" to them.
    If you want a crack at them, I'll send you a few, and a bunch more if you can figure them out.


    Cheap used 4-digit LED display with driver IC·

    Low power SD Data Logger
    SX-Video Display Modules
    Stuff I'm selling on ebay

    "USA Today has come out with a new survey - apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population." - David Letterman
  • bassmasterbassmaster Posts: 181
    edited 2007-02-03 11:39
    I PM,'ed you my address, yes its fun cracking them, especially when you succeed.. I have alot of serial experience in retail software industry, where I take old device controllers that are no longer manufactured or Out of business and sniff them to give customers a replacement device controller option, quite a lucrative field.
  • bassmasterbassmaster Posts: 181
    edited 2007-02-03 11:42
    scotta, are you serious, dont joke about this, Ill make a lure if I think it will get fish to bite. I made one with a pager vibrator motor and a bb in a lazer pointer tube that turns on the motor when the bb rolls into the battery . I am going to try it out soon as a BIG jig rattle.

    I am #5 rated angler of the year so far in the country this season in the ABA American Tour...·I have another 1st place from 12-02 that has not posted to the website yet. that 3 wins, a 2nd, and a 4th place since September.

    I am going to fish the bassmaster weekend series starting this month...

    Post Edited (bassmaster) : 2/3/2007 11:56:55 AM GMT
  • scottascotta Posts: 168
    edited 2007-02-03 15:19
    I have a friend that works at the HSU Telonicher Marine Lab ( We
    have talked about this sort of thing before. He claims that most marine life use some form
    of color flashing for communication.

    A local boy I knew from high school had bass and trout in a freshwater fish tank for
    a few years. We spent some time working them with Red/Yellow/Green leds
    (show you how long ago High school was).

    I would give it a try if I had one in a tank. You could make a quick billion selling
    the next hit hook.
  • bassmasterbassmaster Posts: 181
    edited 2007-02-03 15:52
    well I can make a prototype with Hitt's 4 digit display, a 3 color led, and a prop and a pot to turn the frequency of the flashes faster and lower, and use the adc to display the freq on the display. then next time I am fun fishing Ill put a bass in the livewell and test it a bit, or make a small waterproof·one with·a· 555 timer/ led/caps·and·a few pnp's and attatch it to a carolina rigged weight to see if I get more bites.

    They have a·thing called a BSX unit, its ·$600.00 !!!!! (pateded, so dont try to sell one cheaper or market it, but making my own has crossed my mind a few times) that sends the sounds of an actual ·feeding fish frenzy through an underwater speaker. It really works well, but Its been banned by a·many tournament trails now after KVD ( thats Kevin VanDam for those of you that do not follow Pro Fishing (probably 99% of you)) won 3 tounaments in a row, one with a 12lb lake record bass 1700 feet from my house on lake lewisville TX!

    Post Edited (bassmaster) : 2/3/2007 4:10:34 PM GMT
  • scottascotta Posts: 168
    edited 2007-02-03 16:07
    It is cheating, but the bass don't know [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    I would video tape the fish tank while your Prop is running the combinations. If
    you wake up and your fish is hurting (from banging into the glass), review the
    tape (have the LCD display the current settings, and put it in the view of the

    This way you can run tens of thousands of combinations in a day. The
    combinatorial approach is a good way to go.

    12 pounds on a lure ?
    I'm still working worms.
  • bassmasterbassmaster Posts: 181
    edited 2007-02-03 16:13
    a carolina rigg is a big sinker and a 12" to 3ft leader then a hook and worm or soft plastic bait, the weights are usually 1/2 to 2 oz and we use glass beads next to the weight to make them rattle. The noise (sometimes) attracts the bass then they see the little worm sail by and bite the worm. Bass bite out of aggression many times, especially when they are spawning and protecting their beds.

    That is why Rat-L-Traps work so good, the irritate the bass so much they bite it to shut it up. at least thats my theory anyway, like a dog that bites a can of pennys your training it with, it hates the noise!

    The bass in the picture from the left was 6lbs and was caught in december with a homemade jig with a glass rattle and shrink tubing to keep it on the jig, very noisy I won 1st place that tournnament, even during a very cold front..


    Still 188 left....
    I made a cool project box with one display, see pic.

    Post Edited (bassmaster) : 2/3/2007 6:22:47 PM GMT
    640 x 480 - 23K
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2007-02-04 00:49
    They are in the mail. Good luck.

    How small does a lure have to be ? I'm thinking of a SMT RGB LED, SX20, and a 2032 lithium cell. I guess you'd have to seal it somehow too, yet still have a power switch... Maybe a magnetic switch ?


    Cheap used 4-digit LED display with driver IC·

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    SX-Video Display Modules
    Stuff I'm selling on ebay

    "USA Today has come out with a new survey - apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population." - David Letterman
  • bassmasterbassmaster Posts: 181
    edited 2007-02-04 01:49
    naa, a tssop 555 tiny surface mount caps / resistors and a tiny 3v battery and three little rgb leds in cluse proximity, could fit in a hollowed out 2 oz egg shaped weight with a tube for the line, or cut open a crankbait and put the leds in the eye sockets. hot glue or silicon to seal it, use a small mercury switch as a trigger, store it upside down,should be fine.
  • RetrobitsRetrobits Posts: 46
    edited 2007-02-05 21:57
    Just bought two of these.· I have what might be a basic electronics question, so please forgive me (and please point me to the right place if that is applicable).· Is it a problem to use one supply for the LCD unit, and another supply for the Prop, and if so, should I isolate them, and how?· For instance, if I connect it like this:

    Supply #1 (3.3V)--->Propeller positive pin (Vdd)
    Supply #2 (5V)---> LCD positive wire (V+)
    Propeller I/O pin--->LCD data pin
    Ground of 3.3V Supply--->Ground of 5V supply

    Connecting the two grounds together, is this OK?··Is this necessary?· Is this super bad?· Will I destroy stuff?· This is the main thing that confuses me.· It seems like the two systems would need a common ground in order to establish a baseline for logic level communication; however, I'm not sure if this would cause the power supplies to fight, or voltage to leak from one side to the other through the data connection, or if other bad things would happen.· The "Safe Propeller 5V interfacing" sticky thread didn't really seem to cover this specific question.

    I'm assuming that the 3.3V level of the Prop output is at a sufficient level to trigger the TTL-level input of the LCD device without any boosting...


    - Earl
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2007-02-05 22:04
    Yes, you need to connect the grounds together.
    As long as the LCD will see 3.3V as a high, you should be fine.

    I have some LCD glass(no driver) modules that I'm working on driving with the SX. These have several 7-segment digits.
    The power needed is very low. I have an SX28 running on a 153.6KHz xtal and it uses less than 1 milliamp.


    Cheap used 4-digit LED display with driver IC·

    Low power SD Data Logger
    SX-Video Display Modules
    Stuff I'm selling on ebay

    "USA Today has come out with a new survey - apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population." - David Letterman
  • big_markbig_mark Posts: 49
    edited 2007-02-05 22:42
    Bassmaster said...
    naa, a tssop 555 tiny surface mount caps / resistors and a tiny 3v battery and three little rgb leds in cluse proximity, could fit in a hollowed out 2 oz egg shaped weight with a tube for the line, or cut open a crankbait and put the leds in the eye sockets. hot glue or silicon to seal it, use a small mercury switch as a trigger, store it upside down,should be fine.

    How about doing away with the batteries and mercury switch, and replacing them with capacitors charged by induction. Charge it up just before you need it and it should run all day. You could seal the whole thing and make it watertight. My dad used to work with these : He used the large bullet-shaped electronic tags at the top of the second picture. They recorded the water pressure, and in a roundabout way the fishes depth (because the fish were in open sea, tidal changes made the pressure appear to vary even when the fish was sitting still on the sea bed)
  • bassmasterbassmaster Posts: 181
    edited 2007-02-06 12:48
    big_mark, that might be a good option, but I am concerned about adding a voltage regulator, as the 555 is voltage tolerant, a small battery, like in the picture is alot smaller than a cap to power it, I would have to see about the size, I am also considering eleminating the 555 out of the pucture alltogeter, and just use caps and resistors led's and a battery... Ill look into the cap power to see about size. My idea about the mecury or bb, would make the device more random. As its my opinion that Bass become immune to any constant vibration, or action of a lure. e.g. I get alot more bites when I bang my crankbait into a rock or stop and go retrieve, then just reeling it in as a steady pace. Or with a worm or a jig, I get more bites with a irratic retrieve most of the time.

    I won 1st place with homemade jigs with rattles, I shook the jigs on the bottom of the lake and even caught a few just pausing the jig and letting it fall when I was reeling it back in after working it on the bottom.. look at my weight compared to the rest of the field...

    now, before Parallax pulls this because of the fishing topic change...· Lets discuss a prop appication that will help Bass Tournament fishermen, we all have GPS units, manual culling systems, etc.

    I think a electronic culling system is a great application.

    Here is my Idea.... It will have 5 color coded clips. and allow the angler to quckly Cull smaller fish, and know if he has a limit at a glance, believe me, its not hard to loose count and think you have 5 and throw back a keeper when your "in the moment", Or worse, get disqualified because you have 6 in the livewell.

    Post Edited (bassmaster) : 2/6/2007 1:16:33 PM GMT
    708 x 461 - 28K
  • bassmasterbassmaster Posts: 181
    edited 2007-02-06 14:34
    Another few features, would be a tempature and oxygen sensor in the livewell, that can alert the angler when there is a problem.
    The secret to a successful device is KISS , keeping it simple for any Joe to use.... And making it very fast to use, as time is very implortant to tournament anglers, I watched Morizo Shimizu ( B.A.S.S. Pro) on ESPN weighing every fish, attatching culling markers, then using a dry erase marker on a manual culling sheet to record each catch. With this device he would just hit the next fish button, key in the weight (or even guess at it) then get back to fishing.
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