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Need Help with the FullDuplexSerial.class ... — Parallax Forums

Need Help with the FullDuplexSerial.class ...

jmlpropjmlprop Posts: 9
edited 2007-02-04 02:40 in Propeller 1

I am new to the prop chip and object code. I am assuming that the FullDuplexSerial Code is a driver that sets up· communication for the prop. After the code is programmed in the chip can I just give a command to wait for serial data and if so could someone please give me an example for 9600 baud, 8-data bits and one stop bit, no parity.

Thank You.


  • glentechglentech Posts: 35
    edited 2007-02-02 17:43
    Not sure about what you are doing but if you use simple serial with the gps module lets say it would be something like this

    (whatever speed you need)

    serial:"simple serial"
    text."tv_text" 'or vga or whatever

    byte temp[noparse][[/noparse]120]

    pub start|a
    repeat a from 0 to 119 '120 read at a shot
    repeat a from 0 to 119
    waitcnt(80_000_000+cnt)'wait one second
  • glentechglentech Posts: 35
    edited 2007-02-02 17:43
    make sure your indentation is correct as my reply did not include it
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-02-02 17:44
    First of all, have a look at the source code for FullDuplexSerial.spin which is included with the Propeller Tool. As is true with many of the I/O drivers written by a variety of people, there are comments, some detailed, that explain how the driver works and how to use it. Many of these drivers also come with a simple demo program. As an example for FullDuplexSerial:
    ser : "FullDuplexSerial" ' Full Duplex Serial Controller

    _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
    _xinfreq = 5_000_000
    serRecv = 0 ' Receive on I/O pin 0
    serXmit = 1 ' Transmit on I/O pin 1

    pri main | c
    ' Note that FullDuplexSerial does not handle parity and always
    ' uses 8 data bits and one stop bit. There are options for inverting
    ' either the transmit or receive lines or both and options for "open"
    ' signalling (open collector/drain) on transmit and for throwing away
    ' echoed received characters.
    ser.start(serRecv,serXmit,%0000,9600) ' 9600 Baud
    ser.str(string("This is a test string that will be transmitted.",13,10))
    if (c := rxtime(500)) => 0 ' Wait up to 500ms for a character
    case c of
    ' do something with a digit
    ' do something with a letter
    ' ok, here's a return
    ' backspace key
  • jmlpropjmlprop Posts: 9
    edited 2007-02-04 02:40
    Thanks guys, I will study this and ask further questions if needed.
    Very Helpfull !
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