embedded systems conference

I see that Parallax is scheduled to exhibit (booth 2610) at the ESC in San Jose CA on April 2-5.
Free exhibit pass in advance:
For folks in the area, it will be a good chance to meet with our friends from Parallax, and to see a lot of technology in and out of the box. If the past is any indication, Parallax will put on a good show. I expect to see a crowd around the booth clamoring for the free beenies?
Tracy Allen
Free exhibit pass in advance:
For folks in the area, it will be a good chance to meet with our friends from Parallax, and to see a lot of technology in and out of the box. If the past is any indication, Parallax will put on a good show. I expect to see a crowd around the booth clamoring for the free beenies?
Tracy Allen
All of us will be present and we'd really like to meet our customers at this show.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
bring and show off some of the cool toys we've built. I'm putting this on the calendar right now!
We hosted such a meeting at Parallax one year ago. It was a lot of fun for everybody and the attendees requested we do it again.
Bring anything you want to the show to share.
We'll start considering a Prop-head gathering at our office, either during the show or afterwards date TBD.
See you there,
I bet a lot of people from Silicon Valley would be happy to drive to San Jose for such an event, but a drive to
Rocklin is a much larger commitment.
Ken, are you planning to have the fun action demos that Parallax is noted for? Many other exhibits at those shows are so stodgy, or else strident, or me-too-in-the-box, you are left wondering what they do and why. Believe me, propellers and kits sound a lot better than beanies or breath mints.
Tracy Allen