servo selection
can anyone give me recomendations on a servo that could drive the zoom on a manual zoom lens. the lens will have a gear on the zoom ring that the servo needs to mesh up to. I asume i would need a continuouse roting servo with as little backlash as possible. I would like to find somthing beyond a hobby servo if possible, any ideas?
I agree with Joe here, if you don't want to try using an R/C servo, try a small stepper motor. Can you get the necessary matching gear from the camera manufacturer, or from a camera shop? If not, you may be saddlled with using some sort of belt drive, which could easily introduce some slippage in the motor-to-lens linjkage.
I'm presuming here you are looking for a zoom lens driver motor which is small, compact and powerful, thus the thrust below. The Micro Mo Company·makes some absolutely exquisite miniature stepper motors, and has miniature encoders as well. You might want to check here, but bring a FULL wallet!:
Once in a great while you can find some of these miniature and sub-miniature steppers on the suplus motor web sites, but beware they may be of a very specialized nature when you find them there, or find them "removed from equipment". There is nothing wrong with the motors themselves and many are brand new, it's just that they often have unusual specification when they're made for the OEM market.
Port Escap is another manufacturer of miniature motors which may be worth a peek:
I rather doubt this (link below) will help you in this particular application, but here is a servo source (Servo City) that has all sorts of neat gears, sprockets, chains, etc - all of which can be·utilized on·any R/C servo, just for future reference:
Bruce Bates
Post Edited (Bruce Bates) : 2/1/2007 6:53:25 PM GMT
See my edited reply above.
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