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Serial Comms with SX48 — Parallax Forums

Serial Comms with SX48

SailerManSailerMan Posts: 337
edited 2007-01-31 01:02 in Propeller 1
I am communicating with the SX-48 using the Propellers Full duplex serial Module. My question is this.. On the propeller I have the Variable Speed and I want to send Byte 0 and Byte 1 to the SX48 because I can only recieved Bytes on the SX48. Basically if I want to send Speed with a Value of 1023 to the SX48 breaking it into bytes how do I do that?

Hope that made sense.


I just thought of this..


Gonna go try it.

Well...It worked... I've been puzzled for a hour and when I finally post a question I answer it myself. [noparse]:)[/noparse]· lol

Post Edited (SailerMan) : 1/31/2007 1:17:12 AM GMT
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