rs2332 and vga

Can someone point me in the right direction. ·I am trying to interface a Garmin pc18 OEM GPS. I am new to this and need to learn about printing to vga_text from serial_fullduplex and also how to build and parse strings. Thanks for any help. Dave
D Rat
D Rat
Martin Hebel
StampPlot - Graphical Data Acquisition and Control
AppBee -·2.4GHz Wireless Adapters & transceivers·for the BASIC Stamp & Other controllers·
D Rat
I think later this evening I am going to make some modifications to my Extended_FullDuplexSpin to allow accepting values with different delimiters.
If you can post a sample string I could test with, I can test it some.
Martin Hebel
StampPlot - Graphical Data Acquisition and Control
AppBee -·2.4GHz Wireless Adapters & transceivers·for the BASIC Stamp & Other controllers·
D Rat
Martin Hebel
StampPlot - Graphical Data Acquisition and Control
AppBee -·2.4GHz Wireless Adapters & transceivers·for the BASIC Stamp & Other controllers·
D Rat
- Parsing based on defined delimiters
- Returning from a string the integer or whole value ("-123.456") returns -123
- Returning from a string the fractional value ("-123.456") returns 456
I though about trying to incorporate the floating point library, but with an AND or two, values can be checked, and these values can be used to pass to the floating point if need be.
Anyway, back to the question at hand. The following code accepts a string you defined, parses it into a bunch of strings, and from there you can do as you like with the values.
Attached is the test file and the library objects required. Hope this helps!
Martin Hebel
StampPlot - Graphical Data Acquisition and Control
AppBee -·2.4GHz Wireless Adapters & transceivers·for the BASIC Stamp & Other controllers·
Martin Hebel
StampPlot - Graphical Data Acquisition and Control
AppBee -·2.4GHz Wireless Adapters & transceivers·for the BASIC Stamp & Other controllers·
be aware that the sentence can be different depending on mode with some recievers.
I'm not sure about your OEM version.
also, fwiw, NMEA standard is 4800,8,n,1
D Rat
Thanx ahead of time. Dave.
P.S. I am thinking of getting the AppleBee modules for my BoeBot.
D Rat
Thanks for the input. The routine is flexible enough so that you don't have to collect all the data, and if you ask for too much, it will timeout. Also, the Baud rate is easily adjusted. This object was written to be generic, and I've been meaning to modify the original, and D Rat's need was just a really good one to test with.
Good luck D.,
Martin Hebel
StampPlot - Graphical Data Acquisition and Control
AppBee -·2.4GHz Wireless Adapters & transceivers·for the BASIC Stamp & Other controllers·
I'll let someone else take it from here for these [noparse]:)[/noparse]
The AppBee/XBee's are cool. I'm with my students right now and we are working on a StampPlot based control panel to control up to 3 at once, manually or switch to autonomous.
Martin Hebel
StampPlot - Graphical Data Acquisition and Control
AppBee -·2.4GHz Wireless Adapters & transceivers·for the BASIC Stamp & Other controllers·
D Rat
I have found most applications for text using the TV can easily be converted to VGA simply by changing the Object declarations. There was a demo program that echoed keyboard input to a screen (in hex), I simply changed the Object from TV_Text to VGA_Text, and it worked without changing any other lines of code (except the Start routine, you need to change the basepin)
All of the routines in the Objects are identical in name and function.
Brian Meade
"They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night" - Edgar Poe