SD Data Logger
Bought an SD data logger for Christmas for my current project.· However, I am a programmer by trade, not an EE . . . So, I have no idea how to start connecting the wires.· Here's my current status:· I have the Data Logger attached to the body of the bot with the 3 wires dangling loose.· The 3 wires are the Serial, +, Gnd.· Below is the description of the pins·included with the data logger:
Serial In/Out connection to the SD data logger.
The data logger allows either 19,200 baud or
2400 baud depending on jumper JP1. If the
jumper is on, then the baud rate is 19,200. If the
jumper is off, then the baud rate is 2400. This
pin is used for both sending and receiving data.
Supply voltage input to regulator. Vin may be
between 3.6 and 7.5 volts. This source must be
able to supply 50 milliamps of current.
Power supply and serial ground. This MUST
also be connected to ground on the device
sending the serial data to the module.
Is it possible for someone to give me simple instructions on how to attach properly?· I'm trying to attach this to P15.· Digital photo of this connected to a BOE Bot would help GREATLY.
Serial In/Out connection to the SD data logger.
The data logger allows either 19,200 baud or
2400 baud depending on jumper JP1. If the
jumper is on, then the baud rate is 19,200. If the
jumper is off, then the baud rate is 2400. This
pin is used for both sending and receiving data.
Supply voltage input to regulator. Vin may be
between 3.6 and 7.5 volts. This source must be
able to supply 50 milliamps of current.
Power supply and serial ground. This MUST
also be connected to ground on the device
sending the serial data to the module.
Is it possible for someone to give me simple instructions on how to attach properly?· I'm trying to attach this to P15.· Digital photo of this connected to a BOE Bot would help GREATLY.
Gnd goes to ground
serial goes to a pin on the BS2 that you plan to communicat with.
- Stephen
Attach one end to the boebot servo header location 15 and attach teh other end to the SD Data Logger.
The Baud rate is set for both directions,· Your choice between the two speeds.
It's Only A Stupid Question If You Have Not Googled It First!!
The easiest connection is how Brian has shown, just don't forget to put the switch in position "2" to power the data logger.
Cheap used 4-digit LED display with driver IC·
Low power SD Data Logger
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"USA Today has come out with a new survey - apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population." - David Letterman
It's Only A Stupid Question If You Have Not Googled It First!!
It's Only A Stupid Question If You Have Not Googled It First!!