Interference problem
Hello, I am having a problem with interference. What I have is a bs2 counting·objects on a conveyor belt. The conveyor belt motor is controlled by a frequency drive. When the stamp is tested away from the freq drive it functions properly. When the stamp is installed in the panel it does not work properly. I am counting the objects with ir emmiter detector. I am counting cycles. When I have the stamp away from the freq drive and there is no objects to break the beam i get a count of 0. When I have the stamp close to the freq drive and there are no objects I still get a count. Any help would be appriciated!
You are getting noise through to the stamp from somewhere....
I would try to isolate the stamp in it's own shielded and grounded enclosure inside the main
control panel.
I would also add extra filtering to the power supply or run seperate
supplies for each...
To see how much RF is being generated by the motor controller,
hold a scanner by the open controller, and scan the bands...
I did the same thing where I used to work with my Yeasu HT,
The electricians were surprised it was SO much, easily detectable from over 50 feet away!
Start by cutting the problem in half. To determine if it is noise on the power supply, try to power the stamp and associated circuitry with a suitable battery (9V?) with short leads. If that works, then you need power supply filtering (either on the AC line or DC output). If that does not solve the problem, then you must be picking up noise on one (or more) of your I/O lines. Make sure your circuits are not in a strong magnetic field of a motor or transformer. Grounded ferrous metal shielding could help control magnetic fields.