Well I ran a ' PING_Demo.bs2 ' program while I poke the differnt wires in. This lego ultrasonic sensor's got 6 wires! Can I wire it up to work like the PING? Throw me som more suggestions. Thx.
Mike,· I didn't realize you already had that info. I browsed it real quick and it did give connection details for the six wires although I never saw any color codes mentioned.There were 2 grounds two positive voltages and two data wires, with a little investigation using the diagram you should be able to determine which wire is which.·The protocol was I2C which I know nothing about so I don't know if that can be achieved with pulsin pulsout. The info on the protocol gave commands to transmit and recieve, I would think that those commands have to be specifically included in your code for the device to respond. Im sure you can get it to communicate with a stamp but its going to involve some study.
I would suggest opening the case. if you can.
The board will either be labeled or the pins could be identified by looking at the socket inside and comparing it to this.
Jeff T.
good luck
Jeff T.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
The board will either be labeled or the pins could be identified by looking at the socket inside and comparing it to this.
The document that you need to look at in there is called:
Appendix 6-LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Ultrasonic Sensor hardware schematic.pdf