This may sound stupid but my right ir is not working...
Ok, so a while ago the original ir led that came with the bow-bot burnt out. so i used another one instead. then it worked and i was happy and all. so then i had my boe-bot stored for a long time because i had other thigns to do. Then I decided I would work on it again but now the right ir led isn't working!
what's the problem? did i leave it too long or what?
"When life gives you lemons...
lol jk
what's the problem? did i leave it too long or what?
"When life gives you lemons...
lol jk
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
·on····· plane··········································, when catching ducks
"In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!"
just a comment on your subject title - theres nothign stupid about the right IR not working !! It just goes on to prove that we dont live in a "perfect" world. It would, in fact, sound stupid (or suspicious rather) if things did·NOT stop working !!
I added the infared Led's and detectors to the Boe Bot and spent quite a bit of time trying to aim·and fine tune them.·I was using·the bend and guess meathod. Fortunately there is a simple relitively cheap way to see the unseen·light emmited from a·IR Led. Radio shack used to sell a IR test card but·I don't think they do anymore.
But they still exsist. I think Parallax·might think about·selling something like this..... They do make the builders job easier when working with IR emmiters
Post Edited (slamer) : 2/27/2007 12:01:28 AM GMT
You can "see" infrared light with almost any digital camera or video camera, so the I/R test card is hardly necessary.
Bruce Bates
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