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IDE recognition — Parallax Forums

IDE recognition

RytonMikeRytonMike Posts: 12
edited 2007-01-22 19:58 in Propeller 1
I constructed my first home brew propeller board to play with over the Christmas break. It works well, I am having great fun and am well impressed with Chip’s chip!

This week end I have constructed a second version of the board which is more along the lines of the prop-stick than the evaluation board because I needed a more generic and basic platform to experiment with a range of peripheral devices. The second board works fine with pre-programmed eeproms and I can see the exchange with the pc on the serial lines on F7. But outcome is that the IDE does not recognise the presence of the device .

Because the functions seem to be working, this would appear to be an issue of margins. I have seen that the exchange between the pc and a propeller chip is fairly specialised and specific. Could anyone give some indications of what could cause a failure to recognise that is not a simple connection problem? Is there any public info on the details of the recognition process?

Mike from Ryton


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-01-22 19:58
    There are several postings on the entire communications between the Propeller Tool and the Propeller chip. Search for "Propeller Loader" and "Boot Sequence". If you have no problems communicating with one Propeller board, then there must be a wiring error in the serial circuitry or noise somewhere when you have the serial connection to the PC. The boot loader doesn't use the crystal for timing during downloading, so that wouldn't affect it. The Propeller needs to get a clean reset signal from the DTR line from the PC. When in doubt, copy the existing reset/serial level shifter circuitry.
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