String --> Dec Conversion
Posts: 614
Hey Everyone,
I'm using a PINK module for data entry to the Propeller.· The user will be entering data such as 4.032; this is of coarse stored in a PINK variable.· When the Propeller retrieves this data from the pink, it is in a string format.· How can I convert a string (like "4.032") to a usable decimal number (like 4.032)?· One idea I had on how to do this was to somehow seperate the string into one charecter strings (like "4" "." "0" "3" "2" ).· Then I think I could just subtract 48 from each charecter to get there decimal equiveilent.
Thanks in advance for your help,
I'm using a PINK module for data entry to the Propeller.· The user will be entering data such as 4.032; this is of coarse stored in a PINK variable.· When the Propeller retrieves this data from the pink, it is in a string format.· How can I convert a string (like "4.032") to a usable decimal number (like 4.032)?· One idea I had on how to do this was to somehow seperate the string into one charecter strings (like "4" "." "0" "3" "2" ).· Then I think I could just subtract 48 from each charecter to get there decimal equiveilent.
Thanks in advance for your help,
Post Edited (crgwbr) : 1/22/2007 5:31:14 PM GMT
PUB rxDec : Value | place, ptr, x
·· Accepts and returns serial decimal values, such as "1234" as a number.
·· String must end in a carriage return (ASCII 13)
·· x:= Serial.rxDec···· ' accept string of digits for value
··· place := 1··········································
··· ptr := 0
··· value :=0············································
··· dataIn[noparse][[/noparse]ptr] := RX······
··· ptr++
··· repeat while DataIn[noparse][[/noparse]ptr-1] <> 13······················
······ dataIn[noparse][[/noparse]ptr] := RX····························
······ ptr++
··· if ptr > 2
····· repeat x from (ptr-2) to 1···························
······· if (dataIn[noparse][[/noparse]x] => ("0")) and (datain[noparse][[/noparse]x] =< ("9"))
········· value := value + ((DataIn[noparse][[/noparse]x]-"0") * place)······
········· place := place * 10······························
··· if (dataIn[noparse][[/noparse]0] => ("0")) and (datain[noparse][[/noparse]0] =< ("9"))
····· value := value + (DataIn[noparse][[/noparse]0]-48) * place
··· elseif dataIn[noparse][[/noparse]0] == "-"·································
········ value := value * -1
··· elseif dataIn[noparse][[/noparse]0] == "+"······························
········ value := value
I'll need to make it so that instead of CR (13) meaning the end of the string, it just accepts 5 digits (1.345).· Unfornuatly though I'm still very green in Spin.· Anyone have an Idea of where to start?
This would allow from 1 to a specified number of characters, essentially forcing a CR after the number of characters specified has been received.
I try to use the keyboard for setting time in the DS1307 demo Project coded by Beau Schwabe.
Seeing this post I tried to use the "extension to FullDuplexSerial " to convert for example 07 , typed from the keyboard·to use for setting the Year in the DS1307.
As a newbie I cant figure out how to pass this to the:
PUB rxDec : Value | place, ptr, x
·· Accepts and returns serial decimal values, such as "1234" as a number.
·· String must end in a carriage return (ASCII 13)
·· x:= Serial.rxDec···· ' accept string of digits for value
WHere should the string "06" be when calling the above routine?
Is it······ "06":= Serial.rxDec··,If so how to get the result?
For debugging and to se that it is ok I like to use the tv_text output to confirm.
OR is it a simplier approache to·pass the input from the·keyboard and place it in the following:
··· DS1307.SetBCDValue(07,Year_,0,99,$FF)·············· 'Set Year
Where it should be in BCD format i.e 07··
Any help would be welcome.
Regards, Goran
It seems to be a long way to go to Spin from pure asm!!
But I will not give up
I took the "PUB rxDec : Value | place, ptr, x ....."routine and past it in my DS1307 Object and it works fine so far. When I type 07 on the keyboard I got $07 on the TV screen.
Now, how to convert this to BCD format variable which I can place in the
······ DS1307.SetBCDValue(07,Year_,0,99,$FF)·············· 'Set Year
Any idea?
regards, Goran
As you can see, BCD just uses 4-bit "nibbles" to hold the digits. If, for some reason, you need a 4 digit BCD value in a 16 bit word, just do:
Now I can go on with my project, a board with a DS1307, a SD-Card and some sensors, all for long time logging of data.
The SD-Card works fine, now I can add the DS1307 to give me timestamps and the neccesary time for the Date & time when opening a file on the SD-card.
When done (no timeframe yet) If anyone intrested I can post the whole basic project (whithout the sensor part)
With this you should be able to set nessecary parameters from your keyboard, se what your doing on the TV-screen ,save it on the SD-Card and when done restart the propeller without the TV and keyboard, with correct time and parameters load from the SD-card and logg whatever to the another file (not the parameter file).
When done take the SD-card to a PC and evaluate the loggfile.
But I cant figure it out,
How to call this? and whats expected
I type 07 on the keyboard which is $37 or 7dec or ascii ▶
The result from:
is 0
Her is the code:
· y:= rxDec
· term.dec(y)·················· '=7
· term.out(y)·················· '=▶
asciiToBcd(y,z)················ 'tried asciiToBcd(z,y) and all possible variants
· term.dec(result)············· '=0
PRI asciiToBcd(firstDigit, secondDigit)
·· return (firstDigit & $F) << 4 | (secondDigit & $F)
Am·I stupid or? (getting late her)
If you want to start with a numeric value between 0 and 99 (instead of characters) do:
repeat while DataIn[noparse][[/noparse]ptr-1] <> 13
············· To:
repeat while DataIn[noparse][[/noparse]ptr-1] <> 0
I think this would work; any thoughts.· Again forgive me if I'm nowhere close, I'm not exactly sure what this line of code is doing, it's just the only line where I could find the number 13.
Guess I was tired yesteday night
I have it all OK now, ManyThanks, Goran
The change you're making should work. Are you sure the PINK strings end with a zero? I haven't looked at the documentation since the product came out. It may be so.
The REPEAT line (and the code around it) just copies the data to a buffer (called dataIn) and stops when a specific character is found (13 or 0 or whatever). The number of characters put into the buffer (ptr) is used to control the loop that actually converts the characters to a value.