Help with the command format

· I have found some X-10 info "PDF at bottum" but still can not seem to get my Obj to work right.· Take a look and please give any help/feedback.·· I am working with SPIN only.· That could be my problem?
Post Edited (KC8DKT) : 2/4/2007 2:31:29 PM GMT
Post Edited (KC8DKT) : 2/4/2007 2:31:29 PM GMT
sry about the bad english...
Post Edited (KC8DKT) : 1/22/2007 5:45:15 PM GMT
If you're asking whether someone has already done this and could you please have a copy, then ask that. If you haven't already done so,
you should check the Propeller Object Exchange linked from the Propeller page on the Parallax main website. I don't think there's anything
in there on X-10, but that's where you should start to see if someone's already done this.
If you're asking for help/advice/assistance, then ask for that, but start by describing what you've done so far, what's worked, what's not worked,
and what you seem to be stuck on. If you don't understand the stuff in the X-10 description you've posted, then you're asking for someone to do
the job for you. There are some X-10 controllers on the market that are designed to connect to a PC serial port and translate a character string
into the pulses needed for the X-10 control and one of these could be made to work with a Propeller doing character I/O with one of the existing
serial objects in the Propeller library. That could get you up and going quickly. Otherwise, you're going to have to begin by understanding what
X-10 is and how it works and break down what you need to do into small pieces (look for a signal here, delay x milliseconds, then do something
else, etc.) that you can either figure out yourself or ask for suggestions here once you've gotten that far.
You're going to have to do the work. The PDF has the clues.
· Trimmed some fat off the code and fixed some of the comment info.
· Pin3 "Rx" is a PullUp yo 3.3v NOT a PullDown· "my bad in last post"
Post Edited (KC8DKT) : 2/4/2007 2:34:21 PM GMT