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AD7705B interface to the BS2pe24 — Parallax Forums

AD7705B interface to the BS2pe24

Andy McLeodAndy McLeod Posts: 40
edited 2007-01-25 19:45 in BASIC Stamp
I have an application that will monitor pressure and temperature using the AD7705B ADC with the BS2pe. I have some code that was used with the 7706, but I can't seem to modify it successfully. Analog Devices provides a schematic to make this device, but is unfamiliar with the BS2, using instead some of their own microcontrollers as an example. Has anyone made this ADC work with the BS2/PBasic architecture?


  • Mohamed RefkyMohamed Refky Posts: 47
    edited 2007-01-23 19:38
    I think the connection is similar to AD7730

    Here is the connection between AD7730 & BS2:
    AD7730··················· BS2
    (SCLK) pin1
    pin12 (P7)···············CLOCK············
    (DIN) pin22
    pin13 (P8)················AD data input
    (DOUT) pin21
    pin14 (P9)············· AD data output
    (RDY) pin20
    pin15 (P10)············ Input pin number
    You have DRDY instead of RDY
    RESET => +5v
    CS····· · => GND

  • Andy McLeodAndy McLeod Posts: 40
    edited 2007-01-24 02:25

    Thank you for that pinout. I'll try it with the code I have and see what it gives me.
  • Andy McLeodAndy McLeod Posts: 40
    edited 2007-01-24 13:54

    Do you have code for the 7730 that you would share with me?

  • Andy McLeodAndy McLeod Posts: 40
    edited 2007-01-24 17:00

    Using your prompt, I've come up with this code. It appears to work, thank you for the prompting!

    ' {$STAMP BS2pe}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
    'AD7705 BS2
    '(SCLK) PIN1
    PIN12 (P7) CLOCK
    '(DIN) PIN14
    '(DOUT) PIN13
    '(DRDY) PIN12
    PIN9 (P4) INPUT PIN number

    sample VAR Word 'ADC reading
    numsamples VAR Word 'Used to count samples in multiple instances
    avg VAR Word(3) 'Temp variables for storing samples to be averaged

    SCLK CON 7 'serial clock p7
    DIN CON 5 'serial data in p5
    DOUT CON 6 'serial data out p6
    DRDY CON 4 'logic output p4

    GOSUB initadc

    avg = 0 ' Clear avg

    Take 3 samples, at 60Hz intervals, and store in avg(0),avg(1),avg(2)

    FOR numsamples = 0 TO 2
    GOSUB getsample
    PAUSE 17
    avg(numsamples) = sample

    Calculate approximate average, preventing overflow

    DEBUG "Avg=",DEC avg(0),CR ' Display the average value by sending over serial port


    SHIFTOUT 6,7,1,[noparse][[/noparse]%00100000] ' Configure a write to CLOCK register
    SHIFTOUT 6,7,1,[noparse][[/noparse]%00001101] ' Master clock ENABLE, 4.9152 MHz config, 20 Samp/sec
    SHIFTOUT 6,7,1,[noparse][[/noparse]%00010000] ' Configure a write to the SETUP register
    SHIFTOUT 6,7,1,[noparse][[/noparse]%01000010] ' Self calibration, gain=1, bipolar buffered input

    SHIFTOUT 6,7,0,[noparse][[/noparse]%00111000] ' Configure read from DATA register, 1st channel selected
    SHIFTIN 5,7,0, [noparse][[/noparse]sample\16] ' Read in 16 bits, store in sample
  • Mohamed RefkyMohamed Refky Posts: 47
    edited 2007-01-25 19:45
    Code for·AD7730

    ADdata··· ·· var·· · WORD 'variable to hold 16 bit result.
    DATAin···· con····· 2···········'AD data input pin.
    DATAout· con·······3········· 'AD data output pin.
    SCKL········· con····· 4········· 'clock to AD.
    RDY·········· ·con····· 5········· 'RDY ·input .
    INPUT 5
    SHIFTOUT DATAin, SCLK, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]$FFFF\16,$FFFF\16] 'write 32 ones will reset the AD7730 to the default state
    SHIFTOUT DATAin, SCLK, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]$02] 'write to communication register setting next operation as write to mode register.
    SHIFTOUT DATAin, SCLK, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]$B0B0\16]'write to mode register initiating internal full scale calibration
    pause 500
    SHIFTOUT DATAin, SCLK, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]$02]
    SHIFTOUT DATAin, SCLK, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]$B0B0\16]'write to mode register initiating system zero scale calibration
    pause 500
    SHIFTOUT DATAin, SCLK, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]$3080\16] 'write to mode register starting continuous conversion for 10mV input range,unipolar,16 bit data word and 5V reference.
    SHIFTOUT DATAin, SCLK, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]$21] 'write to communication register setting next operation as continuous read from data register.
    LOW 2 ' set DIN line low to insure part is not reset while in continuous read mode.
    IF RDY = 1 THEN waitRDY 'wait for RDY to go low to indicate output update.
    SHIFTIN DATAout, SCLK, MSBPOST, [noparse][[/noparse]ADdata\16] 'read conversion result from data register.
    DEBUG DEC ADdata, CR 'display data in decimal.
    PAUSE 500 'wait 0.5 second between reading.
    GOTO ReadData

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