How many Plot Points
Posts: 789
Using the tv and graphics objects: How many samples of Simple X,Y data could the screen display?
ie: Would 2048 data samples be a problem without losing resolution?
ie: Would 2048 data samples be a problem without losing resolution?
Hmmm, Maybe I could make a percentage chart(100 up and 100 Across) and do some conversions on my data. Displaying them this way would still represent my curve farly well.
Is it 5 O'clock yet? I here my prop a calling.
Funny you mentioned that. My first thought when Mike gave me the run down was to make it full size with a scrolling feature. All my client really needs is to confirm a bell curve with the data and a percentile graph would show a curve verses a straight or saw tooth pattern reasonably. After this there will be more funding for the project and then maybe I can back up and add something like that.
Sorry, there won't be any room for a mouse on this one though. Just some tactile switches and hopefully and SD card.