Cartographer Robot
My name is Henry Meier
I am building a robot for the Synopsis Science Fair in San Jose, hope fully, I will win like I did last year. Anyway, my robot(cartobot) utilizes a Camucam 1 and a sweet tank tread system to navigate terrrain. Any ideas for the data storage module that maps an 2-d area?
I am building a robot for the Synopsis Science Fair in San Jose, hope fully, I will win like I did last year. Anyway, my robot(cartobot) utilizes a Camucam 1 and a sweet tank tread system to navigate terrrain. Any ideas for the data storage module that maps an 2-d area?

- Stephen
- Stephen
When you see the pretty smoke come from a component. It is time to go shopping again.
If this isn't large enough, you can get something like the Vinculum VDIP which will let you store files on a USB "thumb drive". It's a bit harder to use. If you're interested, download the manuals from their website (
I have learned that the BS2 can not possibly read the CMUcam, yet the BS2sx can!
what should I buy?!
Anyway, I think you need a BS2p series of some sort to use I2C commands directly.
(BS2p24/40, BS2pe, BS2px)
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The P and Px are faster than the BS2sx, can use 1-Wire, SPI and I2C 'natively', and can store DATA in unused Program Slots. (The SX can only store data in the current program slot)
The Pe has even more slots (a total of 16, of which 8 is for data only) but runs at a lower speed, making it more ideal for data-collecting tasks.
The BS2p is also available in both 24 and 40 pin packages(it has an additional 16 I/O-pins).
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