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Non IDE propeller chip programmer! — Parallax Forums

Non IDE propeller chip programmer!

DustdemonDustdemon Posts: 6
edited 2007-01-22 19:37 in Propeller 1

Is there or will there be a way to program the Propeller chip from a non IDE software? Do you have information on the type of protocol or bitstream info to program the device over the serial or USB port. This device will be used for a commercial application and we want to send a customer a firmware upgrade and to do that we would like to send a file only (no hardware). We have the software/hardware expertise to do this if we can just get as much information as possible on how this process works. We need to get our product launched very soon and we need the horsepower of this micro to complete our product. *Please help us*




  • Harrison.Harrison. Posts: 484
    edited 2007-01-16 19:18
    There is a python based propeller loader app here: .

    There are other posts that talk about how to load a propeller chip (examples in Delphi, and one in spin). Using the python, delphi, and spin examples you could probably whip up a custom one to work in your application. Use to search for these examples.

  • rokickirokicki Posts: 1,000
    edited 2007-01-16 19:26
    Another alternative is to ship the product with a microSD card built in, and boot from the microSD card. (Or full-sized SD card.)
    Then the software updates are just shipping a new card, and of course if something goes wrong they can always put in the
    original SD card. You don't even need to use the FAT16 routines if you wanted; you can just use it as a block device, which
    requires only a tiny bit of code in either assembly or Spin.
  • simonlsimonl Posts: 866
    edited 2007-01-22 13:47
    rokicki said...
    Another alternative is to ship the product with a microSD card built in, and boot from the microSD card. (Or full-sized SD card.)
    Then the software updates are just shipping a new card, and of course if something goes wrong they can always put in the
    original SD card. You don't even need to use the FAT16 routines if you wanted; you can just use it as a block device, which
    requires only a tiny bit of code in either assembly or Spin.
    Hi rokicki,

    Now that sounds interesting [noparse]:)[/noparse] I know you've been doing excellent work with the SD routines, but how would we get a PChip to boot from one?


    You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
  • DustdemonDustdemon Posts: 6
    edited 2007-01-22 14:01
    Well what about a visual basic or C++ application and routines? Anybody know of something like this for the propeller chip? I would like to use this chip, but I need a way to program or upgrade the firmware without customer intervention. We have devised a way to send out a small board to customers if they need an upgrade but found that customers break the pins on the board or they static zap the entire interface due to inexperience with electronics. I also don't want them to see the code due to copyright issues as well. I appreciate all the feedback so far but need a little more to try and figure out what path I need to travel down.


  • DustdemonDustdemon Posts: 6
    edited 2007-01-22 18:21
    Is there a stand alone program utlilty for the propeller? Or could I re-flash just the eeprom via a programmer circuit and custom software? Is there a programming spec for the propeller that is available to the public? Any help on this subject would be greatly appreciated.


  • rokickirokicki Posts: 1,000
    edited 2007-01-22 18:50
    Just a quick response on the booting-from-SD-card thought.

    If the SD card formatting is under your control, and you can format it with 32K clusters (should be
    straightforward), and you want to use FAT16, then you can pretty easily use the fsrw code I posted
    ( to locate the starting block of any file, and then pass that
    starting address to a cog routine that will load that contiguous 32K of data directly into main memory.
    (Careful here, though; you need to make sure the var space is zeroed. This means the file should
    either be a full 32K "EEPROM" file and not a "binary" file [noparse][[/noparse]the IDE can create either or both], or you
    will need to add code to interpret the first part of the file to figure out how much memory to clear,
    since it's guaranteed that the var space is clear at startup).

    If you want to dispense with a filesystem altogether, you can just use an SD card like an
    EEPROM, and load 32K of data from any offset you care to. (In this case, a cheap 512MB card
    can hold about 16K different images!)

    Then, to actually "start" that image, you'd have to look at Mike Green's OS code on how to do this.
    (Although you want to make sure to kill off all cogs except the one doing the rebooting.)

    If you want to support general FAT16 filesystems (that might not have a 32K cluster size) it's a
    tiny bit more complicated, because you need to get the block offsets of all of the blocks in the
    file, and the cluster size might be as small as 512 bytes and not contiguous. But even here it's
    not too bad; just get the requisite 256 block pointers, copy them into cog memory and load them

    If you're concerned about depending on an SD card (and the contacts in the slot, etc. etc.) you
    can instead make the boot code simply check for an SD card, and if one is there, verify and copy
    the data on the card to the normal boot EEPROM. This whole process should be relatively quick.
    In this case, the device can operate without an SD card, but you can still ship out updates on the
    SD card.

    So what do you think of these ideas? If you let me know which sound right to you (file system or
    not, depend on 32K cluster size or not, boot from SD or just flash the EEPROM from SD) I think
    I'd enjoy mocking things up for you.
  • Luis DigitalLuis Digital Posts: 371
    edited 2007-01-22 18:52
    Dustdemon said...
    1- Or could I re-flash just the eeprom via a programmer circuit and custom software?
    2- Is there a programming spec for the propeller that is available to the public? Any help on this subject would be greatly appreciated.



    1- Yes.
    2- Yes, "Use to search for these examples.

    Harrison" smile.gif
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-01-22 19:37
    There is no nice, ready to go solution for you, but there are many bits and pieces. The Python downloader is the best software solution. If you want something in Visual Basic or C++, you'll have to translate either the Python or Delphi stuff or Chip's sort of flowchart description to one of those languages yourself. Several of us are working on various ways to get information from either an SD card or USB flash drive into a Propeller, but these are not finished.
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