Defective Jack?
Well i've had my board of education for about a year now and i never really cared about the jack until recently. But the battery pack that came with it doesnt seem to power the bot. I know the batteries arent dead because i tested them so could it be the jack on the board? Is there i way to fix it?
When you see the pretty smoke come from a component. It is time to go shopping again.
4 rechargable batteries will supply (at best - under load) 4.8V which is a little too low for proper operation of a Stamp. It may work, but it's not designed to run reliably at this voltage. You need a battery pack with 5 rechargables (NiCd or NiMH) that'll yield 6V typically.
It doesnt seem to have any use if it cant maintain enough charge.
When you see the pretty smoke come from a component. It is time to go shopping again.
- Stephen
The first thing you might do is to install new batteries (4 x 1.5 volt type) and see if your system begins working again. If so, then your original batteries were "effectively" dead.
But if i did have 100% charged batteries Mike Green said it would not be enough to run(and in my opinion even if it was it probably wouldnt be for very long) so does the battery holder that comes with it even worth the trouble?
When you see the pretty smoke come from a component. It is time to go shopping again.
Drink Milk!
skype me: quispqix
echolink: 184783 KC0LGV
Did your Bot run after you inserted the new (not rechargeable, but alkaline 1.5volt) batteries?
"Licking" will not tell you whether the battery pack is putting out enough juice to run the bot (and it's a very bad practice, safety-wise). If licking worked, Radio Shack and dozens of other vendors would not be able to sell battery testers.
In any case, it does sound like your bot's power circuitry·needs further examination (assuming that it still did not run after you installed new batteries), or else your "new" batteries are not fresh (full charged capacity).
When you see the pretty smoke come from a component. It is time to go shopping again.
Check out Figure 2-12, page 61,·in the manual,
(showing how the jumper should be installed).
Is your jumper correctly installed for the battery pack use?
EDIT: IT WORKED Dont you just love when you skip over the minute details?
When you see the pretty smoke come from a component. It is time to go shopping again.
Post Edited (Monkey4sale) : 1/14/2007 2:16:11 PM GMT
When you see the pretty smoke come from a component. It is time to go shopping again.
In all seriousness, You could really kill yourself or hurt yourself by "licking" batteries,
components or electronic circuits. Components in circuit can carry current. And your body and the floor
are in the Ohm's law equation ,... V=I*R R=I*V and the floor = GROUND, your heart is located between your toung and the floor
(or ground, EARTH GROUND, NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH "THE" GROUND) Electronic stuff contain
A LOT of chemicals most of which are hazzardous to your health. A simple Volt Ohm Meter,
inexpensive at $20. to $50.00 may save your life, and also keep you from seeing smoke.
No one in the group is trying to dissuade your Boe-Bot project, Everyone here want to hear of your results for the good.
Electronics is a wonderful career, and or hobby, please try not to "lick" batteries, and
from one of my professor/teachers at Pikes Peak Community College I learned that (believe it or not) batteries are more dangerous than the AC outlet. And solder may contain lead.
you may want to check out a VOM with continuity check so you can test a pc trace and continuity is helpful for multiple wires
to determine you have the right wire. some will also help you determine capacitance as well as resistance, moving up the line you can get one to test the Hfe of a transistor and reverse current of a diode
Drink Milk!
skype me: quispqix
echolink: 184783 KC0LGV
Post Edited (quispqix) : 1/15/2007 7:38:35 AM GMT
When you see the pretty smoke come from a component. It is time to go shopping again.
the VOM to + on the batteries or the point on your circuit. Do not touch two points at the the same time with the same probe, you may short the circuit and see smoke if you do. to measure current you must break the circuit and put your VOM in current mode and make your VOM in current mode a part of the circuit. you can do some searches on your browser to learn how to use a VOM
Drink Milk!
skype me: quispqix
echolink: 184783 KC0LGV
When you see the pretty smoke come from a component. It is time to go shopping again.