interfacing unipolar motor with LITTLE STEP U

yes it turns! but only at relatively low speed, and only in one direction.
I've tuned my exercising program ( BS2), and motor turns with loosing steps. When I ask to go back, anyway, at any speed, it vibrates, but doesn't turn.
I've monitored position register, set ramp to 0, and pause during the busy signal is on. All is ok, but in reverse.
Does any one have an idea?
Thank you in advance
The coil wire colour scheme varies from one motor to another. I would advise you find out the proper wiring first, because if you put the motor supply voltage back to the logic side of the stepu, you will damage it. What kind of motor are you using?
Yes, you are right. Now it's ok. I found lot of contradictory documentation in different websites about stepper motor.