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Error assembling after successfully compiling SX/B code.... — Parallax Forums

Error assembling after successfully compiling SX/B code....

RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
edited 2007-01-12 19:50 in General Discussion
I've written a few demo programs in SX/B with good results. I am working
on a new one with the SX28 that will take parallel data on Port C, do some
conversion on the data, then send it out serially to another device. I setup
an Interrupt to catgh the strobe signal on pin RB.7 which should ensure I
can get the data at port C at the right time.

The current program gets through the SX/B compiler fine and generates the
.SRC file. The problem that come up as that the assembly fails when it hits
the interrupt code. The error that shows up is:

Error 30, Pass 2: Overwriting same program counter location.

Any idea what would cause this and what may fix it?


  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2007-01-12 17:20
    The INTERRUPT keyword must be used before any other code or SUB/FUNCs are declared.
    If you post your SX/B code I can arrange it so it will assemble properly.


    Cheap used 4-digit LED display with driver IC·

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    "USA Today has come out with a new survey - apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population." - David Letterman
  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2007-01-12 19:36
    Hmm. When I look as the assembly code it shows that the INTERRUPT starts generating code at ORG $000 and all the remaining code, SUB, and FUNC are after that. I still need to write the main portion and do a lot of cleanup work but want to get the initial program to compile and assemble before moving on. Anyway, any suggestions are appreicated!

    ' =========================================================================
    ' File...... PARTOSER.SXB
    ' Purpose... Get Parallel byte, convert, send to Serial device
    ' Author.... Robert L Doerr
    ' E-mail....
    ' Website...
    ' Created... 03 JAN 2007
    ' Updated... 12 JAN 2007
    ' =========================================================================

    ' Program Description

    ' Device Settings

    FREQ 4_000_000
    PROGRAM Start

    ' IO Pins

    SSer VAR RA.0 ' Serial output
    SBusy VAR RA.3 ' Serial device busy (input)

    SIO VAR TRIS_A ' I/O direction of Port A

    PSTB VAR RB.7 ' Parallel latch signal (low to high transition) (input generates interrupt)
    PBusy VAR RB.6 ' Signal to host (low=busy, high=ok for more) (output)

    CIO VAR TRIS_B ' I/O direction of Port B (Control port)

    Pdata VAR RC ' Parallel data (input)

    PIO VAR TRIS_C ' I/O direction of Port C

    ' Constants

    Yes CON 0 ' active low input
    No CON 1
    Baud CON "OT9600" ' Baud rate for Serial device

    ' Variables

    pCode VAR Byte ' Parallel data
    newCode VAR Byte ' Is there a new byte? (Flag)

    tmpB1 VAR Byte ' subroutine work vars
    tmpB2 VAR Byte


    pCode = Pdata ' Get parallel byte from Port C
    LOW PBusy ' Tell Host that byte received
    newCode = Yes ' Set the flag for new byte

    GOTO ISR_Exit

    WKPND_B = %00000000 ' Clear the interrupt flag

    ' Function and Subroutine Declarations

    Conv_Code FUNC 1, 1 ' lookup and convert byte
    TX_Byte SUB 1 ' TX to Serial I/O

    ' Program Code

    SIO = %00001110 ' Set RA.0 as output for Serial data
    CIO = %10111111 ' Setup Control port
    PIO = %11111111 ' Setup Parallel input port

    WKPND_B = %00000000 ' Clear any pending interrupts
    WKED_B = %00000000 ' Rising edge detect
    WKEN_B = %01111111 ' Only accept RB.7 as interrupt source

    newCode = No

    ' Check newCode for byte received
    ' If newCode = Yes then
    ' check to see if Serial device ready
    ' If so, translate byte, send to Serial device, and clear flag

    GOTO Main

    ' Subroutine Code

    ' Use: Conv_Code
    ' -- '

    tmpB1 = __PARAM1 ' save byte value
    read ConvTable+tmpB1,tmpB2
    RETURN tmpB2

    ' Use: TX_Byte char
    ' -- 'Transmits 'char' over serial connection

    tmpB1 = __PARAM1 ' get the passed byte value
    SEROUT SSer, Baud, tmpB1 ' Send the byte

    ' =========================================================================
    ' User Data
    ' =========================================================================

    DATA 1
    DATA 3
    DATA 5
    DATA 5
    DATA 9
    DATA 18
    DATA 14
    DATA 14
    DATA 12
    DATA 155
    DATA 129
    DATA 129
    DATA 10
    DATA 142
    DATA 172
    DATA 166

    DATA 1
    DATA 3
    DATA 5
    DATA 5
    DATA 9
    DATA 18
    DATA 14
    DATA 14
    DATA 12
    DATA 155
    DATA 129
    DATA 129
    DATA 10
    DATA 142
    DATA 172
    DATA 166

    DATA 1
    DATA 3
    DATA 5
    DATA 5
    DATA 9
    DATA 18
    DATA 14
    DATA 14
    DATA 12
    DATA 155
    DATA 129
    DATA 129
    DATA 10
    DATA 142
    DATA 172
    DATA 166

    DATA 1
    DATA 3
    DATA 5
    DATA 5
    DATA 9
    DATA 18
    DATA 14
    DATA 14
    DATA 12
    DATA 155
    DATA 129
    DATA 129
    DATA 10
    DATA 142
    DATA 172
    DATA 166

    DATA 1
    DATA 3
    DATA 5
    DATA 5
    DATA 9
    DATA 18
    DATA 14
    DATA 14
    DATA 12
    DATA 155
    DATA 129
    DATA 129
    DATA 10
    DATA 142
    DATA 172
    DATA 166

    DATA 1
    DATA 3
    DATA 5
    DATA 5
    DATA 9
    DATA 18
    DATA 14
    DATA 14
    DATA 12
    DATA 155
    DATA 129
    DATA 129
    DATA 10
    DATA 142
    DATA 172
    DATA 166

    DATA 1
    DATA 3
    DATA 5
    DATA 5
    DATA 9
    DATA 18
    DATA 14
    DATA 14
    DATA 12
    DATA 155
    DATA 129
    DATA 129
    DATA 10
    DATA 142
    DATA 172
    DATA 166

    DATA 1
    DATA 3
    DATA 5
    DATA 5
    DATA 9
    DATA 18
    DATA 14
    DATA 14
    DATA 12
    DATA 155
    DATA 129
    DATA 129
    DATA 10
    DATA 142
    DATA 172
    DATA 166
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2007-01-12 19:43
    You need to move the "PROGRAM Start" line below the interrupt routine. (Right after RETURNINT would be fine).

    The PROGRAM command generates the startup code (even with the NOSTARTUP parameter, there is still a bit of startup code needed).

    Another suggestion is that SEROUT will not be reliable with the internal 4MHz clock. It's just not stable enough.

    The next version of the compiler actually gives a warning if you use SEROUT or SERIN with the internal clock.


    Cheap used 4-digit LED display with driver IC·

    Low power SD Data Logger
    SX-Video Display Modules
    Stuff I'm selling on ebay

    "USA Today has come out with a new survey - apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population." - David Letterman
  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2007-01-12 19:50
    Excellent! I thank you again for your help! Moving that statement fixed the problem and
    now all the code compiles fine. What was throwing me off was that org $000 at the beginning
    of the INTERRUPT code....

    Now I can start adding the rest of the code and clean it up. I'll try an external resonator
    on the board. The whole thing is wired up on one of the SX48 protoboards and I may get
    to try this out tonight.

    Best Regards,

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