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Infrared com question — Parallax Forums

Infrared com question

KJohnsonKJohnson Posts: 4
edited 2007-01-13 19:07 in BASIC Stamp
1) I am currently working on a project that involves an IR LED (QED123) and IR RECEIVER(QSD123). According to my instructions this IR emitter will be "transmitting a standard 2400 baud, 8-N-1 UART bitstream." I have read on the Parallax site in the downloads section under Miscellaneous, "Infrared Emitting Diode & 40 kHz Infrared" ( as well as have read "IR Remote with the Boe-Bot".

2) I want to use this code to send a signal IEEExyzIEEE where xyz represents any 3 digit number such as: 123, 482, 958, etc.
Here's my transmission code: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}

SEROUT 11, 396, 3000, [noparse][[/noparse]49,45,45,45,31,32,33,49,45,45,45]
' notes on use of SEROUT:
' 15 = pin to send data pulses out
' 396 = baudmode number for a 8N1 true 2400 baud signal transmission,
' use 16780 FOR 8n1 inverted
' 3000 is the pause between message so a single message spans 1 sec
' [noparse][[/noparse]49, 45, ... = send out a byte equal to 49,45,... sequentially
' which as the ASCII codes for IEEE123IEEE

3) MY QUESTION: Notice I want to use PULSOUT ... so
Should I connect the 555 timer as prescribed in the BASIC Stamp 1 Application Notes SECTION 11 located at ???
If not, how should I use the 555 timer?



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