I'm trying to balance my bot.
Posts: 78
I'm currently working on trying to make my boe bot (board of ed), balance on two wheels while controling its movement with some ir recievers and a universal remote, and I'm eventually get one of those sugar cube cams to put on it. But for righ now,·I have at my disposal, a lego NXT kit and my little boe bot (my avitar) to make the boe bot balance. So·what I'm trying to say is,·is it possible to convert the lego ultrasonic sensor with a kind of telephone jack so I can use it on·my board of edjucation?··········································································· P.S.·· I'm asking cause I don't have the time or money to buy the PING......·
I would recommend focusing on one project at a time…In this thread you mention not having any time and in another thread you say the same thing asking for help on an unrelated subject. You may want to take on one thing at a time and focus on the task until completion. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I agree.... Unless you just copy someone elses wonderful, simple design!
And that you're using a BS2sx to get a fast enough cycle time. And that you're using NICD batteries to handle the Servo current pulses.
But that's a really nice, complete solution there. Good on ya!
Oh, and for the OP -- I don't know the NXT interface.· The NXT is a bit more capable than the BS2 -- you should probably order a Ping sensor from Parallax.·
In the meantime, I really wanted to tweak the PID formula based on something better than trial and error. So I attached a Parallax eb500 bluetooth device and got it talking to my PC. I'm capturing data in Windows Hyperterminal and sending the data to Excel.
Attached is data from about two fifths of a second as the bot was balancing. At that point the PID formula was as shown in the·pBasic listing in my Completed Projects posting. Since then I've been tweaking away, based on real data. I was particularly surprised at the behavior of the derivative term, and I think there's a lot to improve on that I would never have figured out by trial and error.
I will post more when I'm a little further along.