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how does I2Cobj work when handeling a ds1624 — Parallax Forums

how does I2Cobj work when handeling a ds1624

darkxceeddarkxceed Posts: 34
edited 2007-01-10 10:29 in Propeller 1
Hello people,

I am new to I2C with the propeller chip.
Now I want to read the temp of the ds1624(which is different than the ds1620).

The commandos have to be:


RX··············· <receive temp reading 2 bytes long

There are ofcourse ACK after every byte that is send and·NACK after every byte that is received

How do I handle the I2Cobj.spin because I don't get it really.
I want to keep it as simple as those commando's, and no extra's like checking if there an error.

Best regards,
Bart Veenstra


  • JavalinJavalin Posts: 892
    edited 2007-01-09 13:49
    Have you read the i2cDemo.spin and i2cObject.spin comments/documentation within the example code? Also I suspect the DS1621 example will help you.

  • darkxceeddarkxceed Posts: 34
    edited 2007-01-09 15:00
    I want to do it with low level code like the funktions :
    PUB i2cStop
    PUB i2cStart
    PUB i2cWrite(i2cData, i2cBits) : ackbit
    PUB i2cRead(ackbit) : i2cData

    But I dont know how to use it.
    Should my code be like below

    i2cObject.i2cWrite(%10010000, 8)
    i2cObject.i2cWrite($AC, 8)
    i2cObject.i2cWrite($00, 8)

    if I want to send:


    to adres 4 for example.

    Maybe some one help me a little bit, don't need much help.
  • JavalinJavalin Posts: 892
    edited 2007-01-09 16:02

    You need to read the product datasheet, you seem to be missing some·steps from the communication.

    The manual is here

    You really need to look at the DS1621 example as, from a brief look at the ds1624 datasheet, the two products protocols·should be nearly identitical.

  • LitefireLitefire Posts: 108
    edited 2007-01-09 22:39
    do you need to submit any data to the $EE address during the second command (not even a 0/1 to tell it what to do?). do you simply need to access the register?

  • LitefireLitefire Posts: 108
    edited 2007-01-09 22:47
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x       
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
      deviceaddress = %10010000
      i2c : "i2cobject"
    pub start (sda, scl)
      i2c.init(sda, scl, FALSE)                                        'leave at false if you have pull-up resistors, switch to TRUE to drive pins from prop (not reccomended)
    pub command1 : success                                             'sends first command
      success := i2c.writelocation (deviceaddress, $AC, $00, 8, 8)     'sends device's address, then the register, then the data.  8 address bits, 8 data bits
                                                                       'saves acknowledge bit from device to "success"
      return success
    pub command 2 : success
      success := i2c.writelocation(deviceaddress, $EE, "command here", 8, 8)
      return success
    pub command2_alt   'use if no data is to be sent to $EE
      i2c.i2cstart                                                     'starts i2c 
      i2c.i2cwrite (deviceaddress, 8)                                  'sends device address
      i2c.i2cwrite ($EE, 8)                                            'sends register address
      i2c.i2cstop                                                      'stops i2c
    pub read1 : readdata
      readdata := i2c.readlocation (deviceaddress, $AA, 8, 16)         'reads 2 bytes from register $AA (8 address bits, 2 bytes at 8 bits each = 16 data bits)
      return readdata

    try that. make sure you have pullups on your data and clock lines. it needs i2cobject.spin to be in the same folder (obviously).

    good luck!
  • darkxceeddarkxceed Posts: 34
    edited 2007-01-10 07:01
    Yes I looked at the datasheet and this is what there has to be done:

    Start,%10010000,ACK,$AC,ACK,$00,ACK,Stop <==configuration register. 1shot

    Start,%10010000,ACK,$EE,ACK,Stop <==Start convert.

    Start,%10010000,ACK,$AA,ACK,Start,%10010001,ACK,Receivebyte,ACK,Receivebyte,NACK,Stop <==get 2 byte data

    the last ACK and NACK must send from master to slave.
    The ds1624 is connected to the prop with 2x 4k6 pull-up and 100Ohm resistor in serie to the prop output 28(SCL),29(SDA), the eeprom is also connected there for the propsoftware.

    _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
    _xinfreq = 5_000_000

    deviceaddress = %10010000

    i2c : "i2cobject"

    pub start (sda, scl)
    i2c.init(sda, scl, FALSE)

    pub Config : success························································· 'sends first command
    success := i2c.writelocation (deviceaddress, $AC, $00, 8, 8)·····'sends device's address, then the register, then the data. 8 address bits, 8 data bits
    return success

    pub Convert····································································· 'use if no data is to be sent to $EE
    i2c.i2cstart······································································ 'starts i2c
    i2c.i2cwrite (deviceaddress, 8)············································· 'sends device address
    i2c.i2cwrite ($EE, 8)··························································· 'sends convert prot.
    i2c.i2cstop········································································'stops i2c

    pub read1 : readdata
    readdata := i2c.readlocation (deviceaddress, $AA, 8, 16)······· ··'reads 2 bytes from register $AA (8 address bits, 2 bytes at 8 bits each = 16 data bits)
    return readdata

    Post Edited (darkxceed) : 1/10/2007 7:05:58 AM GMT
  • darkxceeddarkxceed Posts: 34
    edited 2007-01-10 10:29
    Javalin said...

    You need to read the product datasheet, you seem to be missing some·steps from the communication.

    The manual is here

    You really need to look at the DS1621 example as, from a brief look at the ds1624 datasheet, the two products protocols·should be nearly identitical.

    I looked at the exmaple yes, and got it working.
    But I don't know how to get the second byte of·temperatuur.
    This byte contains the precision values lower than 1degree.


    In the upper syntax I set it to 16 to read 2 bytes but the second byte stays %00000000

    If I have the second byte I than can manipulate is because only the last 5 bits contains a·measure value.
    In total the tempreading is 13bits long.

    If I try it in low level code I maybe understand it more.
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