Help! I need to know what the best way to make my boe-bot 'say' a couple of words.... QUICK!..... My professor told me that it has to talk before end of semester or else my grade will plumit! I need a quick and easyway for it to talk. I've though about recording my voice into·the computers·recorder, conecting it to my bot, using a remote to play back the recording through a loudspeaker connected to the board of education.
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If the cost is prohibitive, then a quick and dirty solution might be to take a cheap cassette recorder, record your voice on it, and then use a stamp pin to simply power the device on and off. Use a 30-90 sec "endless loop" answering machine cassette so it can just play over and over.... Do a search for "relay driver" in the forums for simple circuits to switch power on and off to a small recorder or the like.
There are also inexpensive sound effects/phoneme chips (<$25) but the programming and work to generate speech will take a lot more time.
Another alternative, if you are leaving the 'bot hooked up to a PC, would be to pre-record .wav files on your PC, then write a program on the PC that can decode incoming serial messages from the Stamp to play the pre-recorded files over your PC speakers.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
Post Edited (Zoot) : 1/8/2007 5:00:01 PM GMT
Tracy Allen
·· The sounds Tracy refers to are attached to this message. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
You can also use a small audio amp to drive an 8ohm speaker with more volume (like an LM386 which can be had at Radio Shack or online for a couple of bucks).
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
There are several that allow playback of multiple time slots on the chip....
One such is made by Windond (ISD3000-4000) series......
They use an SPI interface...
Radio Shack sold some sound recording IC's that were also easy to control using any stamp..
i want to know that can we use PBasic language in Boe Bot that use Basic Stamp 2?
PBASIC is used on all Basic Stamp products. It is also the only language for use on those products.
Bruce Bates
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