I have a baking Question!
Posts: 33
·I have a question about the Caution Sticker on the Anti-Static bag containing FRAM Memory ICs.
I have Attached Pictures of the Lable.
· The warning is about the method of soldering and the relative humidity (RH) when you open the seald Anti-static bag.
I·think it says that·you have to Bake the Chips before you solder them. Is this Right?
But, I am not going to use reflow, IR, or other high temp solder technique. just plan old Butane gas Iron or the ultra-fine·tip bat powered iron, or If I have to do to the scale of the ICs I might use a hot air pencil.
Do I still have to Bake the chips for 48hr @ 125'·+-5'C?
I don't know what to do. So, I have Not yet Opened the bag. Help!
IAI (Indigenous Alien Intelligence),
The New View on Machine Intelligence.
Because There is nothing Artificial about it!
I have Attached Pictures of the Lable.
· The warning is about the method of soldering and the relative humidity (RH) when you open the seald Anti-static bag.
I·think it says that·you have to Bake the Chips before you solder them. Is this Right?
But, I am not going to use reflow, IR, or other high temp solder technique. just plan old Butane gas Iron or the ultra-fine·tip bat powered iron, or If I have to do to the scale of the ICs I might use a hot air pencil.
Do I still have to Bake the chips for 48hr @ 125'·+-5'C?
I don't know what to do. So, I have Not yet Opened the bag. Help!
IAI (Indigenous Alien Intelligence),
The New View on Machine Intelligence.
Because There is nothing Artificial about it!
I'm not sure how the other·thread with the same title got posted.
In retrospect I guess I should have posted this thread to the General Parallax Forum, seeing as how the question is not specifically·related to the propeller.
If the forum mediator would like to kill the other one and move this one to It's proper· place, I won't mind.
just let me know where it's moved to.
IAI (Indigenous Alien Intelligence),
The New View on Machine Intelligence.
Because There is nothing Artificial about it!
From my experience, no. That is mostly a reflow precaution.
If you are really worried about it, you can go ahead and bake it, it won't hurt you.
I was really worried. I mean, how would I make any dinner for the next two days?
O. K. I'm going to assume that I should not have any worries about using·a Hot Air pencil.
I think the pitch of the pins·are going to be to fine to do work with a·1 mm 0r a 0.75 mm tip iron.
Thanx once again,
IAI (Indigenous Alien Intelligence),
The New View on Machine Intelligence.
Because There is nothing Artificial about it!
I bet you don't worry about the reflow profiles in the datasheet or are you really that good with the hot-air? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Thank you for your help and the vote of confidence.
· But, The truth be known, I don't have a Hot air pencil, but·I would buy one·if it will work better than a standard iron.
I figured I would solder them to the EZ-SchmartBoards that I bought, should be here on Tuesday.
They say a 9 year old can solder a BGA. well then it should be a peace of cake! :-) Right!·
So, I'm gona open the Bag....Oooooo,, Scary!··
Thanx once again,
IAI (Indigenous Alien Intelligence),
The New View on Machine Intelligence.
Because There is nothing Artificial about it!
You know, the ones made out of the transparent plastic, and the ones guaranteed to
generate a ton of static. I suppose I shouldn't let any of my electronics get anywhere
near those things? It's too bad; they'd make such great places to store my kit.
Thank you·to Peterz for your reassuring·input.
I have other smaller FRAMs in Dip or 8pin SSOP, but this is the first time I have seen this, So A flag of cautions went off in my head, and I knew that you guys here would know the answer.
Thanks You, to all!
I to have Stored Static Sensitive ICs in those plastic Draws. They work great! But you are right about the Static!
So here's a method that I like to use, and I've never had a problem in at least twenty years Of electronics. check out the Attachment.
· As you can see, All I do is place a folded sheet of Aluminum Foil into the tray to form a basic liner. But make sure that the individual components are stored in Anti-Static Foam, (Radio Shack), also you could run a grounding wire from the Cabinet through a 100M ohm resistor to the nearest cold water pipe or third prong in an electrical outlet, But I don't. and all my part work just fine.
Hope that helps you out,
P. S.· Yes that is a HYDAR box, just in case you were wondering. that thing is a work of art
IAI (Indigenous Alien Intelligence),
The New View on Machine Intelligence.
Because There is nothing Artificial about it!