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FemtoBasic for the Demo Board and TV



  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-02-05 23:09
    Regarding a BRANCH statement ... I just remembered that the destination of a GOTO or GOSUB may be an arbitrary expression, so you could put "GOTO 1000+a*10" if you had a series of routines at labels 1000, 1010, 1020, etc.
  • QuattroRS4QuattroRS4 Posts: 916
    edited 2007-02-06 05:15
    Seems to be progressing nicely - I can host the latest versions if you like ? Knock on a pm if that would help...
    Might make update releases easier..


    Post Edited (QuattroRS4) : 2/6/2007 5:06:29 PM GMT
  • PerryPerry Posts: 253
    edited 2007-02-06 16:12

    They LOAD/SAVE to eeprom work fine now

    Thanks for the hint on the BRANCH command

    I too woulld like to have the protoboad on top of a robot
    I am negotiating with the local Community-Futures group to hold a course/club for high school students
    titled "Introduction to Micro Robotics". I plan to use the Sumobot though, as the competion aspect should help get them interested

    My version of FemtoBasic with the HITT overlay is working not too bad, it's display has less columns but more lines (32x24)
    but so far can only support program length of of about 7000 byted

    added a PLOT command to use with the overlay
  • PerryPerry Posts: 253
    edited 2007-02-09 22:21
    Here is my hacked up FemtoBasic with overlay

    I have added key.putkey to allow a command to be run when basic starts
    right now it does a load:run. The first time you use it you will get a "invalid program size"
    save some program to eeprom and it will start automatically.

    when the RUN command is executed the keyboad is stopped and restarted to allow for an escape/break to work again

    I have pushed Terry Hiit's overlay to 384x192 so you get screen of 48x24 characters and PLOT command
    this makes only about 4096 bytes available to the basic program area though. I still can't get my head around passing arguments

    from spin to assembler though. You will find the sync,gen,video settings near the bottom of the overlay code.
    I am using an LM1881 for the sync chip and it seems a little stupid, won't go low until it sees somevideo. The overlay starts in gen mode first and switches to overlay mode if it sees video later. you can use this version with or without the sync chip

    It shoud work right off the bat but in my early attempts to get an overlay running I removed the resistor from my demo board on pin 13 of the propellor chip,(can't seem to put it back on now) so I believe the code should work with unmodified demo boards

    Note the overlay only runs with _clkmode set to pll8x ??


    Post Edited (Perry) : 2/9/2007 11:38:28 PM GMT
  • ForrestForrest Posts: 1,341
    edited 2007-02-20 18:02
    I'm about to try FemtoBasic out, but first I'd like to know:

    1. Required devices - TV/Composite monitor at xxx by xxx resolution/xx columns by xx rows,
    VGA? monitor at xxx by xxx resolution/xx columns by xx rows
    keyboard, mouse ?
    External EEPROM up to xxx KBytes, SD card

    2. Supported devices - NES controller ?, joystick?, sound in?, sound out?
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-02-20 18:24
    There's one version for TV/Composite that uses the Propeller Tool's TV.spin driver and handles a 40 x 13 character display (about all that's possible with TV). I've got a VGA version that uses the VGA hi-res text driver at 640 x 480 resolution (80 x 40 characters). It uses the PS/2 keyboard, but not the mouse. It can handle whatever EEPROM is attached to any pair of I/O pins, but has only limited functionality (essentially can read/write a byte from/to any EEPROM location). Rokicki's SD card routines are used for simple SD file access. Programs can be saved and loaded from SD cards and one file can be read/written at a time a byte at a time.

    There's low level I/O support (OUTA, DIRA, INA, CNT access, CTRx/PHSx/FRQx use).

    I did have a version I made for use with a BOE-BOT with PING, compass, servo, and IR sensor support so it is pretty simple to add whatever you want.
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