By "measure it" Lee is making reference to using a meter. All VOM (volt-ohm mters) have a resistance scale, as well as almost any kind of bench meter for measuring voltage and amperage. You DON'T need anything sophisticated or fancy to start out. A Radio Shack hand-held volt-ohm meter for less than $10.00 (or so) is fine.
Adam... like everything else, a resistor can "break" or "go bad" if you put too much power through it... Resistors are rated in ohms, but also have a wattage rating (usually 1/8, 1/4, 1/2)... like everything else in electronics, you can "fry" a resistor.
By "measure it" Lee is making reference to using a meter. All VOM (volt-ohm mters) have a resistance scale, as well as almost any kind of bench meter for measuring voltage and amperage. You DON'T need anything sophisticated or fancy to start out. A Radio Shack hand-held volt-ohm meter for less than $10.00 (or so) is fine.
Bruce Bates
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