We make no guarantees that any Parallax software will work on Vista, and you'll have to check with ftdi if they have a vista driver for the USB2SER. We cannot verify the software until we have a test machine running.
I've been running it on Vista for a couple weeks with no problems.· Just load the propeller IDE application, plug in the prop to the usb port, and have fun downloading apps to your propeller.· I also installed the basic stamp tool and have used its terminal program along with the monitor object for the propeller to read and write memory on the propeller.· Just connect it to the Com port added by the propeller driver, and set the baud rate.·· Remember to close the teminal window before attempting to send a new program from the propeller ide·tool or it won't find the prop . ·
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.