Hi all.
I have a sonar Rx/Tx attached to LM393.
anybody know or have any experience how to connect to BS2.
Do I have to use Analog/Digital chip with this? I want to use this·for my robotic project.
Please Help!!!
(Schematic Attached)
Thanks in advance.
"· Happy New Year· "
I wouldn't even hazard a guess, without a LOT more information. This would have to include a COMPLETE parts list (what kind of transistors are those?), a complete description of the circuitry with test point voltages included, and a complete description of the circuit and how it's expected to operate.
But that's just me. Good luck with it.
Bruce Bates
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Actualy this is a Sonar Sensor from my Cybot. This sonar board has an extended board to a processor.
The detail is here:-· http://www.lpilsley.co.uk/cybot/
I was thinking to use only the sonar sensor and incoporate it with my BS2. Roughly I know that the processor board pulsout 40khz to the TX and use LM 393 to collect data to make input pin Hi or Low. What I want to do know is·let the ·BS2 to do the pulsout and collect the data from the LM 393.
I am only a newbie with high ambition. Maybe I am asking to much but this is the only way for me to learn.
I really need people in this forum to guide me.
Thanks a lot.
The link that you offered is fine, and I suspect those with more analog circuity savy can answer any questions you may have about it. However, this next thought serves as a bit of a warning, in case you didn't realize it.
Most robotic sonar installations are expected to return the distance to target (or targets) and not just their absence or presence. Unless I've misread the text and circuitry, this unit will ONLY indicate whether there are any obstacles ahead, and NOT how far ahead they are. That may or may not be what you're looking for.
So too, this may merely be a first step for you in a longer journey, and a later version might use something like the Parallax PING)) Sensor (link below), that indicates distance as well. If you need to check more than one direction, it's easy enough to mount the PING))) unit on a smallplatform which is rotated by an R/C servo in any direction(s) you may choose.
What LUCK! The Parallax PING))) Sensor is still on SALE if you're interested:
I just picked one of for my next project.
In closing, please DON'T feel lessened in any way by being a NEWBIE. Think about this for a moment - at some point in time WE ALL WERE NEWBIES! We got over it
Remember - the only STUPiD question is the one which remains UNASKED!
Bruce Bates
10 years here
15 years in robotics
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Thanks for·the lesson. Those shape of the sensor make me a bit confuse. It looks like a sonar Sensor. At least I learn something.·Anyway I would like to do some experiment with this obstacle sensor to gain some knowledge.
Hope U dont mind to stay for a while.
Just few question to ask:
1. Can I do freqout command to·get 40khz ·out from the TX and collecting·the data trough LM393 to BS2? (I just want to know whether it can be done or not)
2. Is it posible to incoporate·the·processor board and LM393 with BS2?
For the Ping Sensor I am really interested to get one. Try to get it within this month.
Thanks again & take care.
Perhaps one of the other folks can help you. Analog circuitry is not my area of ecxpertise.
Bruce Bates
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