Need help connecting & prog. Stamp 2 to Secret Motor Controller
I have 2 secret motor controllers from Solarbotics. I'm not sure how to connect to BS2 on B.O.E. - I believe 5V and GND tie to battery for motors , D1 and D2 tie to BS2 pins Programmed High or Low for motor direction , and enable will be used to control speed with PWM. I have a PWMPAL for this. I also believe GNDs on all Power sources (Stamp , motor power , encoder power, etc) have to be common to each other to prevent interference.
· If someone could also show me some code snippets , or provide some caution advice I would really apreciate it. Lots of new stuff and I don't want to let the smoke out......Thanks.
· If someone could also show me some code snippets , or provide some caution advice I would really apreciate it. Lots of new stuff and I don't want to let the smoke out......Thanks.

- Stephen
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- Stephen