Does Full Duplex Serial object send Parity and Stop bits ?
Does FullDuplexSerialObject send Parity and Stop bits ?
If so, how can I configure it ?
BTW, which is the maximum speed I can achieve with this object ? I have realized that above 100Kb pulses become unstable.
If so, how can I configure it ?
BTW, which is the maximum speed I can achieve with this object ? I have realized that above 100Kb pulses become unstable.
With a stable clock (crystal) you should be able to reliably transmit and receive over 100KBaud. There is some jitter because the object is interleaving transmission and reception on a bit by bit basis with a granularity on the order of 400-500ns. The Propeller itself can handle rates well over 1 megaBaud with a half duplex assembly routine (2 cogs for full duplex).
So if I understand well I need to·touch the FullDuplexSerial object source code·to achieve my goal ?:-(