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how to connect a FTDI 232 chip with bsp2 — Parallax Forums

how to connect a FTDI 232 chip with bsp2

sdsd Posts: 9
edited 2006-12-31 09:36 in BASIC Stamp
Hi to everybody,

can anybody know how to connect a ftdi 232 chip with a bsp2 ?

thanks a lot



  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-12-30 19:28
    Look at the schematic for the Parallax PropClip You can connect the transmit and receive lines (and Vss) directly to Stamp pins.
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2006-12-30 22:44
    ·· How you do this will depend greatly on whether the BS2p is a module or something you’ve integrated (or plan on integrating) into your own design. ·A Module will expect RS-232 inverter signals, so you would follow the schematic for our PDB, which shows these connections. ·
    ·· If, on the other hand, you’re integrating the module, please see the attachment for an example of interfacing the TTL level signals, since there are a few things that need to be addressed on a BASIC Stamp Module or it will not respond. ·In the schematic you’ll notice the diode and the pull-up resistor…Without them (as well as the 4.7K echo resistor) you won’t be able to program or identify the BASIC Stamp. ·Take care.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
    782 x 522 - 50K
  • sdsd Posts: 9
    edited 2006-12-31 09:36
    thank you guys!!!!

    ·· hop.gif
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