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What motor is the best??? — Parallax Forums

What motor is the best???

Marc R.Marc R. Posts: 13
edited 2007-01-02 21:29 in Robotics
Hey guys,
I have a little project going on. At my home I have blinds in front of my closet and I want to build a BS2 in them, so that after I touch at a button, they open and the light inside wents on and so on.
I allready thought about that to move the angle of the rung, it would be the best to take a servo. But now I need a motor, that moves that whole thing up and down. So it needs a lot of power and I want to have this whole construction under 12Volt. Should I use just a normal motor and build in touch sensors, so that I can stop everything as soon it is completely down or up or should I use a stepper motor??? And can you recommend me a motor/stepper motor???
Thank you very much for an answer.


  • ChrisEChrisE Posts: 19
    edited 2006-12-29 17:04
    I would recommend a windscreen-wiper motor as they are quite powerful and have a·linkage/arm·mechanism built·in to allow for the movement (I think) you need. A wiper motor will run on anything around 6 - 12 Volts.
    One problem is controlling them; i.e.: setting limits, but this can be accomplished by setting up a·micro switch rig.

  • Marc R.Marc R. Posts: 13
    edited 2006-12-29 17:25
    Sorry, I am not sure whether a wiper motor is really the best. I need it to pull the whole blind up and down... I think a wiper motor just goes back an forth in a small angle... or not??? The whole blind is 60" long so the motor needs to push and pull this 60" up and down.
  • Marc R.Marc R. Posts: 13
    edited 2006-12-29 17:26
    Sorry guys, i need to corrrect myself. I thought those wiper Motors would just go back and forth in a special angle. Thank you. But is there one, that is actually not sold out wink.gif
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2006-12-29 17:43
    Google "wiper motor" or "Saturn wiper motor" there are many options.

    - Stephen
  • Marc R.Marc R. Posts: 13
    edited 2006-12-29 17:48
    Thank you guys... Very much.
  • Marc R.Marc R. Posts: 13
    edited 2006-12-29 18:28
    Oh a last question:
    You think this one is ok too???:

    And than. I have to seperate blinds. Do you think that the motor is powerful enough to push up and down both blinds together or should I purchase two of them???
    Thank you for an answer.
  • Marc R.Marc R. Posts: 13
    edited 2006-12-29 18:35
    Yeah the problem with this motor, I wrote down above is, that it stops allways in the same position so that it will be not that good to have it with my blinds cause it will run to long.
  • Mike CookMike Cook Posts: 829
    edited 2006-12-29 18:37
    FYI - if you located in the USA......... has wiper motors:

  • ChrisEChrisE Posts: 19
    edited 2006-12-29 18:47
    That motor should be·more than·powerful enough for two blinds. You can bypass the auto-return 'switch' if you open it up, and wire directly to the motor. How are you going to link the two blinds?·
    Edit: I am referring to·the motor in the link you (Marc) provided.


    Post Edited (ChrisE) : 12/29/2006 6:51:56 PM GMT
  • Marc R.Marc R. Posts: 13
    edited 2006-12-29 18:51
    Ok perfect thank you guys. Ehm I am not sure now I am thinking of letting the motor rolling them up onto tow seperate coils.
    Thank you guys again.
  • Marc R.Marc R. Posts: 13
    edited 2006-12-29 20:39
    Ok I just purchased this one:

    But now I have two new questions:
    1. Can this motor turn forward and backward for the push up and down effect??? Is it possible to just let the pols switch, so that it turns into the other direction???
    2. I need an AC to DC Adapter from 110 Volts now... It should get the Voltage down from 110 to 12 Volt and should have about 2,5 to 3 Ampere. I can't find one. Please help me.
    Thank you very much
  • Bruce BatesBruce Bates Posts: 3,045
    edited 2006-12-29 21:06
    Marc R -

    A windshield wiper motr runs in ONLY one direction, ifthat answeres your question. A gooddeal of what it does, is done by the mechanical linkage!

    Search for "mechanical linkage windshield wiper".


    Bruce Bates

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  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,224
    edited 2006-12-29 22:15
    I have those wiper motors from All, just change the polarity for direction, they are very powerful! You'd have to pull off the wiper arm and mount a pulley or other device to adapt it to something to lift the blinds, but it will do the job. I would use a small pulley on it with 1/16" aircraft cable and a limit switch at each end. All also has a nema 17 stepper for 12.50, which with a decent driver will lift a good load as well, then you can program specific travel and forget the limit switches. All sells an EDE1204 bipolar stepper driver IC, that with some mosfets you may get something running, although you wont have any current limiting with this method. With no current limiting, you'll have to run lower voltages to keep from overheating, so it may work depending on the load.

    Post Edited (originator) : 12/29/2006 10:19:27 PM GMT
  • Marc R.Marc R. Posts: 13
    edited 2006-12-29 22:18
    Thanks originator,
    I am german and I searched the word pulley for hours wink.gif
    I thought it would be translated from german as coil and I didn't found anything wink.gif
    Thank you very much
  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,224
    edited 2006-12-29 22:19
    I forget what the threads are, maybe metric on the shaft, you may get away without a pulley, and just mount a coupler on it with a shaft as the aircraft cable take-up.

    Post Edited (originator) : 12/30/2006 4:24:16 AM GMT
  • randyazrandyaz Posts: 61
    edited 2006-12-30 02:56
    Ive been working on some projects using the wiper motors and HB25 controller. Its a great combination. Also, experimenting with the QTI sensor as a "encoder" for motor position.

    Post Edited (randyaz) : 12/30/2006 3:24:22 AM GMT
  • lboucherlboucher Posts: 139
    edited 2007-01-02 21:29
    Another good source of motors is if you can find an old beet up car just take the power window motors out. There real powerful.
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