Posts: 1
My Dear:
I try to set 8 ultrasonic sensors on the Boe - Bot with the BS2 ,
and the 8 ultrasonic sensors connect to 8 pins of the BS2 ,
if I want the BS2 to process the 8 pins simultaneously (let the 8 ultrasonic sensors emit simultaneously),dose this way work ?
how can I write for the code using BS2 programming??
Best Regards ,
Peter Chou,
I try to set 8 ultrasonic sensors on the Boe - Bot with the BS2 ,
and the 8 ultrasonic sensors connect to 8 pins of the BS2 ,
if I want the BS2 to process the 8 pins simultaneously (let the 8 ultrasonic sensors emit simultaneously),dose this way work ?
how can I write for the code using BS2 programming??
Best Regards ,
Peter Chou,
The propeller chip, however, can do this. It has 8 independent cores, known as cogs, that could each process a sensor. If you might be interested in a Propeller-based robot controller, see this one:
Doing all 8 "simultaneously" could be a problem. If one 'hears' echo's coming from another unit -- how do you insure that the sound from #1 (for example) bounced off what #1 was pointing at? It could have been an echo from what #4 was pointing at.
And even a fast processor might have a problem starting the 'ping' at exactly the same time. Any delay in any sensor's start of ping could throw off the distance measure of an other sensor.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support