VB2005 Express to a BS2
I thought I would share this with some people its a small applet created in microsofts free Visual Basic Express 2005 you can download it from here http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/vb/download/
Be sure to download the program to the stamp then close the Basic Stamp software first so you can connect to the stamp with Port 16.
Just add a couple of LEDs to the stamp·pins 3 and 4 be sure to use resistors in series with the LEDs.
··· Then you can modify the code to be used with your Com port to the stamp, In the VB2005 code go to the code behind Form1 then Change "Com1" to "Com(Your Port)" then select F5 to run the project.
Also if you have a EB500 and want to use this the uncomment the lines in the BS2 that say to be uncommented and comment out the single line that says to.
Post Edited (bennettdan) : 12/28/2006 8:29:07 PM GMT
I thought I would share this with some people its a small applet created in microsofts free Visual Basic Express 2005 you can download it from here http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/vb/download/
Be sure to download the program to the stamp then close the Basic Stamp software first so you can connect to the stamp with Port 16.
Just add a couple of LEDs to the stamp·pins 3 and 4 be sure to use resistors in series with the LEDs.
··· Then you can modify the code to be used with your Com port to the stamp, In the VB2005 code go to the code behind Form1 then Change "Com1" to "Com(Your Port)" then select F5 to run the project.
Also if you have a EB500 and want to use this the uncomment the lines in the BS2 that say to be uncommented and comment out the single line that says to.
Post Edited (bennettdan) : 12/28/2006 8:29:07 PM GMT
1) I notice you don't have a 'connect' button. It looks like the program connects when the forum initiates, but if you could confirm this i would sleep better at night.
2) Will the same code work with a ppc program? as far as i can tell this program is written for windows. again, my ignorance is showing, but would i be able to send this code (in a different base application) to my ppc?
Thanks for posting this, i foresee myself gaining many an hour of sleep because you already wrote this code
In the 2005express code under the Form_load is where it tries to connect to the serial port, and in the Form_Close is where it closes the serial port. You can put in a button to to connect and one for disconnect if you want also you can put in a list box to change the Com ports and baud settings if you need it for your application.
The VB2005 express code as far as I know will not support the Pocket PCs I looked on the MSDN websight and could not find a PPC SDK for 2005express. I use VB2005.net Pro to create PPC applications but if you only have the 2005express then you can make up the form and code debug it and then send it to me and I can copy and paste it into a PPC application you can download to your PDA through Active Sync.
I hope this helps.
Jeff T.
I have some more ways to setup your serial connection kind of like Hyperterminal where you can set baudrate and it will list the avaliable com ports and things like that...let me know and I will post some more if you need it I also have some LCD software I will share just zip up what you got and post it I would like to see what you have also..
I am trying to find VB2003.net ( cant buy it new) so I can program with the Speech SDK and have a speech controlled robot and some home automation goodies.
Post Edited (bennettdan) : 12/30/2006 9:18:21 PM GMT
I zipped the LCD and included a small .txt file with a few pointers and also included a demo.bs2. If you try it (or if anyone would care to try it) feedback is welcome. My ultimate aim is to have a compilation of various utilities as a cd with simple labs that interface the Stamp and PC.
Jeff T.
at this websight http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms986944.aspx it only works with VS2003.net though that is why I am looking for it. The SDK 5.1 is a text to speech SDK not Speech to text like the SASDK 1.1
I like the LCD applet by the way.
In your LCD program your text document says you need to limit data to no more that 20 scan cycles from the BS2 or you can have garbage displayed how are you bringing in the data into the program.
If you use the serialport.readexisting() command it should not matter how many times you input the data I think..
Also you might need to increase your serialport.readTimeout setting to a longer time
Do you mind sharing the source code my email is bennettdan@bellsouth.net.
Post Edited (bennettdan) : 12/30/2006 9:39:42 PM GMT
I hope I explained that ok, it shouldnt be·too big a deal anyway.
Jeff T.
My question is how would i send an input from the board like a switch 1 to the VB program
if input1 is high send 5 and then VB will do what 5 means
thanks i'll check that out too
Jeff T.
i complete understand VB - Stamp,
but i don't can't get Stamp - VB to work