Tri-motor (3 propellers) communication
Does anyone have a (reasonably) ·fast program or protocol·that lets multiple propellers talk to each other over three or fewer·I/O lines?··
I have a machine that needed more I/O than a single prop could provide so I designed a board with three propellers onboard.· ( It was almost worth it just to be able to name it the "Tri-Motor" )· I left three I/O lines for processor to processor communications knowing that I could hack something together relatively quickly.·· I did, it's a two wire com protocol.· One of the props generates a sync pulse, then 200 clock pulses.· Prop 1 uses the first 64 clocks, for sending it's data, Prop 2 uses the second block of 64 clocks and Prop 3 uses the third block of 64.· ·It's really crude and I haven't done any optimization because it works for the simple functions I need for this application.··
I haven't done much processor to processor communications so I assume that there are some much better functions out there somewhere.· Any Ideas?
" Anything worth doing... is worth overdoing. "
··············································· ( R.A.H. )
I have a machine that needed more I/O than a single prop could provide so I designed a board with three propellers onboard.· ( It was almost worth it just to be able to name it the "Tri-Motor" )· I left three I/O lines for processor to processor communications knowing that I could hack something together relatively quickly.·· I did, it's a two wire com protocol.· One of the props generates a sync pulse, then 200 clock pulses.· Prop 1 uses the first 64 clocks, for sending it's data, Prop 2 uses the second block of 64 clocks and Prop 3 uses the third block of 64.· ·It's really crude and I haven't done any optimization because it works for the simple functions I need for this application.··
I haven't done much processor to processor communications so I assume that there are some much better functions out there somewhere.· Any Ideas?
" Anything worth doing... is worth overdoing. "
··············································· ( R.A.H. )
here is the detector
more parts
Post Edited (originator) : 12/28/2006 3:17:21 AM GMT
I don't know ...what you name "fast", I think, that perhaps it could be easy for you, to express it in kbps, etc.
But also, I think, that 8 bit parallel, plus two or three lines like R/W CS, would be easy and "faster" than another serial protocol.
If you have your board yet, with only three lines tied together,·could be, some like SPI·"in asm" driver, although three·lines are not enough.
Also, it depends on what speed you need. You could always use I2C if 400kbps is enough.
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All I did was tie 3 I/O ports together on all three chips. I put pull-down resistors on these lines so that any processor could drive the data line high while the other 2 processors are listening. I'm not sure that the full duplex idea will work with 3 processors all talk/listening on the same lines.
My current scheme gives a time-slot for each chip to talk while the other two processors are listening. I suppose that a similar idea might work with the full-duplex function but it isn't inherent in the current code is it? Since I haven't done any speed optimization I suspect that I'm getting less than 400 kbps now. Anything would probably be an improvement.
I was just hoping that someone had already done a inter-board com function between multi props. Do you think that I2C is the optimum for something like this? I don't really need much speed for this current use, but I expect future aps to need a bit more "OOMPH" in processor to processor communication.
" Anything worth doing... is worth overdoing. "
··············································· ( R.A.H. )
Nico Hattink····