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Max/Min Voltaje — Parallax Forums

Max/Min Voltaje

Luis DigitalLuis Digital Posts: 371
edited 2007-01-01 16:53 in Propeller 1
Which is the maximum and most minimum voltaje of use?
Which is the variation of frequency to change the voltaje (if changes).
Which is the maximum consumption (Amp.) to 80MHz with pins (32) changing to 5 MHz (for example)?

In my city there is not the regulator of voltaje of 3.3v and I think to use a LM317

Really I want a Datasheet. smile.gif

Thanks by the information on the counters and I expect to test very quick its micro when have it in my hands.


  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2006-12-15 04:08
    Absolute Maximum voltage rating is 4V, however designs should never go beyond 3.6V.
    With Brown Out enabled safe range of voltage is between 3 and 3.6V.
    With Brown Out disabled, I've gotten 80 MHz operation down to 2.2V though I would play it conservative and never go below 2.5V.
    Min Voltage as a function of frequency has not been performed, nor has minimum voltage for data retention.
    I would have to look at the speedsheet at work to get the value for the pin toggling speed you've requested. The current is also dependent upon how many cogs are running.

    You could use a LM317, but if you expect to operate the Propeller in a wide range of temperatures a fixed regulator should be used, this is because the resistor will change it's value over temperature and affect the voltage output.

    As you can see by my definitive answers, I have been working on assembling the data. Today I completed the last of the tests for the preliminary datasheet which will be released in January. As a slight aside, I did max current per device by shorting 24 I/O pins and driving them high. The propeller consumed 850mA (2.8W) and didn't blink, and I was looking forward to destroying the chip. This test was performed on the DIP and the case temperature reached 160F. Since the LQFP package can't provide as good of thermal dissapation, we are going to set the max allowable current dissapation to 1.5W or around 450mA. Obviously no one in thier right mind would abuse a chip like I did, but it's a testament to it's design that you can do some pretty bone headed things with it without damaging it.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
  • CJCJ Posts: 470
    edited 2006-12-15 04:37
    24 shorted IO without destroying it....

    HOLY ***T!!!!!

    Robustity, Thy name is Propeller

    Who says you have to have knowledge to use it?

    I've killed a fly with my bare mind.
  • Luis DigitalLuis Digital Posts: 371
    edited 2006-12-15 12:57
    Thanks again. You have an excellent technical service.
  • Luis DigitalLuis Digital Posts: 371
    edited 2007-01-01 16:53
    I have some days with two Propeller, had problem with the video and the other simply was not detected.

    The problem was that was using a variable resistance with the regulator of voltaje (LM317T) that was not stable and varied the voltaje (very low almost always).

    Finally I resolved the problem used an AMS1117 small (can also be used the LM317), and with fixed resistances of 360 and 560 ohms, for an output of 3.2 volts:
    VOut = 1.25 (1+ 560/360)
    VOut = 3.19444

    Also I added a capacitor of 47uF.

    The strange thing is that could work with simple programs having problems.

    Areal Person, seems me that this Chip is difficult to kill.
    It is good idea that test again, never is known.

    Happy new year with Propeller! tongue.gif
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