Problem with BS2 + Servo + Relay
Posts: 173
Hi all.
I am doing a project which include Continues Servo and Relay.
I am connecting the Servo to Pin 8 and 9 and suply with 7.2 v from Vin. 6 relay on pin 10 to 15 with·390 ohm resistor and 2n2222 transistor.
My problem is everytime·Pin 10 to 15 goes high the servo will move acording Pause time that I code for the relay.
Servo on Pin 8 go forward and Pin 9 go backward.·I've check all the conection and there's no shot circuit.
I also check with multimeter in case Pin 8 and·9 pulse out any current but it is not.
Whats the problem actually?
I really need help from the people in this forum cause I am·learning by myself.
Any respond are very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I am doing a project which include Continues Servo and Relay.
I am connecting the Servo to Pin 8 and 9 and suply with 7.2 v from Vin. 6 relay on pin 10 to 15 with·390 ohm resistor and 2n2222 transistor.
My problem is everytime·Pin 10 to 15 goes high the servo will move acording Pause time that I code for the relay.
Servo on Pin 8 go forward and Pin 9 go backward.·I've check all the conection and there's no shot circuit.
I also check with multimeter in case Pin 8 and·9 pulse out any current but it is not.
Whats the problem actually?
I really need help from the people in this forum cause I am·learning by myself.
Any respond are very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry, I do it in a hurry. Pin 10 to 15 same. Pin 8 to 9 to servo.
I am using 5V relay.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
2. Each relay needs a reverse-biased diode across it, so when you 'turn off' the relay, the current generated by the collapsing magnetic field has somewhere to go.
3.· Could you post your code?· This is either a voltage problem, a software problem, or both.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I will try to put the diod.e across the relay coil and see what happen.
I will get to you with the outcome soon.
Thanks again.
Allanlane5 actually I did use the capacitance but in the drawing· I did'nt put it cause I'm in a hurrry.
Time is very limited.·(Sorry)
Finaly by placing a diode across the relay coil settle the EMF problem.
Actually I am a newbie with no any·experience·either in·Programming or Electronic.
The only thing make me decide to purchase a BS2 because I know that I can get a lot of support
from you all in this forum.
I'll post my project once I complete it.
Thanks to all of you & regards.