Scribbler - renewing the fun
Hello, I bought my 7 year old nephew the scribbler bot a about ayear ago and he seems to like it. however I think he has become bored with it. What kind of tips and tricks / hacks has any one done to make it more interesting? im not asking for a robosapien just anything to encourage him to become interested in robots and want to learn more.
This has a section on hacking, although opening the case and altering the innards will void the warranty. The forum has few posts, which probably reflects the fact that most serious robotics enthusiasts go for the BOE-Bot not Scribbler - this also·explains why you haven't had a reply yet :-)
One way to increase/reawaken interest in Scribbler is to use PBasic to program the Stamp inside rather than using the built-in programs or the GUI.
Isle of Man, British Isles