Logo for Palm Pilot
Folks -
On more than one occasion the question has been posed "Can I control my BOE-Bot or·Scribbler·(or other similar platform) using my Palm Pilot"? The answer is generally - YES, BUT ....
Here is a rather interesting avenue for those who have a Palm Pilot, a BOE-Bot (or similar platform) and a good deal of time on their hands. Here is a FREEWARE program called TinyLOGO which operates on a Palm Pilot. I don't see why that couldn't be used as a "front end processor" for a rather powerful robot command language!
Here is a link to it, and have fun!
It would be interesting to get some feedback if anyoine does anything with it.
Bruce Bates
On more than one occasion the question has been posed "Can I control my BOE-Bot or·Scribbler·(or other similar platform) using my Palm Pilot"? The answer is generally - YES, BUT ....
Here is a rather interesting avenue for those who have a Palm Pilot, a BOE-Bot (or similar platform) and a good deal of time on their hands. Here is a FREEWARE program called TinyLOGO which operates on a Palm Pilot. I don't see why that couldn't be used as a "front end processor" for a rather powerful robot command language!
Here is a link to it, and have fun!
It would be interesting to get some feedback if anyoine does anything with it.
Bruce Bates
Sorry - Obviously I didn't actually try it. I just copied the link from my browser window. Thanks for correcting it.
Bruce Bates
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