I'm a french student and I need help for the Serial LCD 2X16 6600.
I'll ask my question in french;
Je fais un projet sur le GPS D, et je dois programmer en basic Stamps pour afficher la distance sur l'afficheur LCD, ce pendant je ne sais pas comment cabler ni programmer ?
I'll ask my question in french;
Je fais un projet sur le GPS D, et je dois programmer en basic Stamps pour afficher la distance sur l'afficheur LCD, ce pendant je ne sais pas comment cabler ni programmer ?
·· The translation is as follows:
I make a project on the GPS D, and I must program in BASIC Stamps to post the distance on the bill-poster LCD, it during I cannot how cabler nor program?
Please post links to the Datasheet for the GPS Module you refer to as well as the LCD Display.
Svp le poteau lie au Datasheet pour le module de GPS que vous vous référez comme l'affichage d'affichage à cristaux liquides.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
As you know, I cannot answer his technical question, but I think this is what he said if you want to take a shot at it . . .
I am building·a project using a GPS D and writing the program on a BASIC Stamp to post distance on an LCD [noparse][[/noparse]I don't know what "l'afficheur" means other than "bill poster"], but I do not know how to build the cable or write the program.
Gee. If someone comes along that can read French, I may be highly hosed on this translation! But, it seems to me that if you know what a "GPS D" is (some GPS type "D", perhaps?), the rest would be relatively simple.
--Bill; the helpful, or maybe not
You are what you write.
You cheated! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
You are what you write.
·· Yes, I used Babelfish…We try to help everyone if we can.· In this case without details of the parts there will be little anyone can do even with a proper translation.·
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I am a college dean. I cheated, too.
You are what you write.
Oh, wait. I guess that wouldn't have helped in this case. Nevermind.