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Data logging from Basic Stamp — Parallax Forums

Data logging from Basic Stamp

aerodudeaerodude Posts: 22
edited 2007-02-14 21:53 in Learn with BlocklyProp
Hi All,

Can anybody tell me how to store data coming from Basic stamp to Excel or MATLAB file or as a text file? Can we do that real time?




  • dandreaedandreae Posts: 1,375
    edited 2006-12-07 21:17
    Check out the Stamp DAQ software located at this link:·

    I believe this is what you are looking for.



    Dave Andreae

    Parallax Tech Support·
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2006-12-07 22:55
    If you want a stand-alone data logging solution, you can use my SD data logger to create text files that you can open in excel.


    Cheap used 4-digit LED display with driver IC·

    Low power SD Data Logger
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    "People who are willing to trade their freedom for·security deserve neither and will lose both." Benjamin Franklin
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2006-12-07 23:09
    One additional option which was mentioned in the Propeller Forum is that I have successfully interfaced a BS2 to a VDIP1, which is a development module for the Vinculum Chip from FTDI.· This allows me to write data to a USB Thumb Drive which could be read on the PC.· Depending on the size of the card you could write a lot of data.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • aerodudeaerodude Posts: 22
    edited 2006-12-08 00:18
    Thanks alot guys...thats a very useful info. I am sending GPS data wirelessly from one BS2 to another. I could do the transmission but never knew about Stamp Daq. I try all the options you mentioned.

  • Joe McClureJoe McClure Posts: 21
    edited 2007-01-11 03:11
    Hey all,
    I am having trouble finding examples of using the VDIP1 with a BS2.
    Can anyone point me to an example of file io·to a·thumb drive with the VDIP1?

  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2007-01-11 15:55

    There are no ready to go examples yet. Stay tuned and there may be some posted in the near future. Take care.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • iramseyiramsey Posts: 12
    edited 2007-01-24 19:52
    I am also working on a project in which I would like to send data from the parallax gps reciever to a computer. is the embedded bluetooth tranciever app mod capable of performing this task? Are there any other methods for sending the GPS data to my computer wirelessly?
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2007-01-24 20:25
    A BASIC Stamp could easily collect data from the GPS Module and send it via Bluetooth to the PC using the EB500 Transceiver AppMod. The PC would need a Bluetooth adapter capable of serial interface as well. I hope this helps. Take care.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • iramseyiramsey Posts: 12
    edited 2007-01-25 17:19
    Thanks for the response. By any chance, would you know if this data is stored in a text file or some other format? I know that the strings of data are ASCII, but where would I locate the strings?
  • iramseyiramsey Posts: 12
    edited 2007-01-29 20:20
    Does the Parallax GPS reciever store data intenally?
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2007-01-30 23:24

    The GPS does not store data internally…It sends out serially the data requested from it in Smart Mode, and in RAW mode it just continually sends out the NMEA data. The microcontroller needs to get the data and deal with it. If you send it to the PC then there should be an application there expecting the data. The BASIC Stamp cannot force the computer to do anything with the data, nor can it open a file on the Hard Drive through the serial port. You must have something setup. You could use something like StampDAQ to grab the data into an Excel Spreadsheet file. I hope this helps. Take care.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • iramseyiramsey Posts: 12
    edited 2007-01-31 00:23
    Would an application such as the Bluetooth transciever be able to extract this data from a pin, then send the data from the gps (in raw mode) to the computer (to a USB dongle) that would then be able to place the data into a file?
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2007-01-31 00:39
    If you mean can the Blue Tooth Module send it directly from the GPS Module without a microcontroller, that would depend…The EB500 will not work at the same baud rate as the GPS Module. There are other RF transmitters that will however.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • CCraigCCraig Posts: 163
    edited 2007-02-01 14:26
    This post got way off topic.

    If you are trying to get the GPS unit to do anything, you HAVE TO read Jon's article in N&V

    In short, you can make it do anything. There is a post on the SX forum (mine) that asked about it.

    We should start a new thread for more questions on the GPS unit. I or someone can answer them.

    HTH, Chris
  • iramseyiramsey Posts: 12
    edited 2007-02-14 21:53
    I have created a program that will grab the latitude values from the GPS reciever and store them to memory. The code is intended to log the coordinates 10 times and write them to EEPROM. Does anyone have suggestions for how I could verify that this data was stored to memory? I am having trouble with this because after I take my reciever outside, I must then turn it off and bring it indoors to extract the data.

    My Code:
    gps···· VAR·· Byte(7)
    eeAddr· VAR·· Byte(7)
    log···· DATA· 0···················· ···· 'EEPROM set aside
    samples CON·· 10
    endLog· CON·· log+samples-1····· 'end allocated EEPROM

    SERIN 5, 188, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT("GPRMC,"), SKIP 8, STR gps\7]

    FOR eeAddr = log TO endLog
    WRITE eeAddr, gps
    PAUSE 20000
    eeAddr = eeAddr+1····· 'point to the next address
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