The voltage will not harm the BOE, but will severely limit what you can power from the regulator on the BOE. The regulator has to dissipate as heat the power from the voltage drop from 13.8V to 5V (=8.8V). It will protect itself from overheating, but this will limit the current it can supply. The recommendation is to use no higher than a 9V supply.
The "Linear Regulator" on the BOE board acts itself as a variable resistor, which drops just enough voltage so its output is always +5 volts. Thus, it dissapates the 'extra' voltage as heat.
So, 13.8 volts - 5 volts == 8.8 volts, that the regulator has to disappate. Power == Current * Voltage.
So, if you pull 100 mA through the regulator, it's disappating 100 mA * 8.8 Volts == 0.88 watts. I believe without heat-sinking, the regulator can disappate about 1.5 watts. So you should be OK.
The regulator disappates power by heating up and letting the ambient air draw off the extra heat. At 0.88 watts, it might get a little warm. If it gets too hot, it has a built-in Thermal Shutdown circuit which will cut off the current if it DOES get too warm.
If you add another resistor to the circuit, you'll need to heat-sink that resistor -- Linear Regulators are designed to disappate the heat.
Hello, · ·· 8V does fall between the 5.5V to 15V range, however VIN on the board is fed directly to the BASIC Stamp VIN.· Changing the regulator on the board will not affect this at all.· It will only affect what is going to the VDD connections on the board.· This does not affect VDD on the BASIC Stamp since that is not connected to the output of the TO-220 regulator on the BOE.· I hope this helps.· Take care.
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Chris Savage Parallax Tech Support
Can you post the schematic you have?· The only difference I recall in any BOE Schematic was whether or not VDD from the Stamp Module went to the AppMod socket.
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Chris Savage Parallax Tech Support
As I suspected…You’re looking at Rev A. schematics for a board we haven’t sold in a long time.· The most up to date schematics are always on our website.· Please check the link below.· You will also find that the·current board·does have the two VDD circuits labeled differently.· I will see the next schematic revision shows this as well.
[noparse][[/noparse] Mike gave you a good, detailed·answer.]
So, 13.8 volts - 5 volts == 8.8 volts, that the regulator has to disappate. Power == Current * Voltage.
So, if you pull 100 mA through the regulator, it's disappating 100 mA * 8.8 Volts == 0.88 watts. I believe without heat-sinking, the regulator can disappate about 1.5 watts. So you should be OK.
The regulator disappates power by heating up and letting the ambient air draw off the extra heat. At 0.88 watts, it might get a little warm. If it gets too hot, it has a built-in Thermal Shutdown circuit which will cut off the current if it DOES get too warm.
If you add another resistor to the circuit, you'll need to heat-sink that resistor -- Linear Regulators are designed to disappate the heat.
·· 8V does fall between the 5.5V to 15V range, however VIN on the board is fed directly to the BASIC Stamp VIN.· Changing the regulator on the board will not affect this at all.· It will only affect what is going to the VDD connections on the board.· This does not affect VDD on the BASIC Stamp since that is not connected to the output of the TO-220 regulator on the BOE.· I hope this helps.· Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
·· If you connect the 12V to VIN then yes, you can do this.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support