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Motor Mind Be, BoE Rev C., Various Motors, My Tablet PC/USB, & Variable PS — Parallax Forums

Motor Mind Be, BoE Rev C., Various Motors, My Tablet PC/USB, & Variable PS

Bill ChennaultBill Chennault Posts: 1,198
edited 2006-12-05 13:34 in BASIC Stamp

I am about to start experimenting with various motors (from Banebot, mostly; I already have a few) and the latest version of the MotorMind Be. I am using the BoE Rev C. with the Parallax wall transformer to power the BoE. I communicate with the BOE via my tablet PC's USB connector to a Parallax USB to serial converter to the BoE. I will power the various motors with a variable DC power supply.

Question: How do I ensure all the grounds are tied together properly? (As I see it, the components are my tablet PC, the BoE driven by the wall transformer, and the variable power supply driven by 110Vac.

Thanks for your help.

ps [noparse][[/noparse]This is the edit.] I forgot to mention that I have that monster 61 rpm RS-545, also! I am not quite sure what a person might use this motor for . . . I am thinking of using it in the lift for my Sportster!)

You are what you write.

Post Edited (Bill Chennault) : 12/5/2006 1:33:06 PM GMT


  • Bill ChennaultBill Chennault Posts: 1,198
    edited 2006-12-05 13:34

    Bill goes "bump" in the night; actually, early in the morning, but that's not important right now.


    You are what you write.
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