More than 24 VAR BYTE declarations in SX/B
I noticed that if I use more than 24 VAR BYTE declarations in SX/B for the SX28, the compiler complains that there is no more memory. Now I do understand all the banking that is done in assembly because only 5 bits exist to reference the ram in the assembly op code. I was just wondering if there is a easy way to use the RAM without going into swaping and copying to and from the addresses including and above 0x30. Ideas appreciated.
I noticed that if I use more than 24 VAR BYTE declarations in SX/B for the SX28, the compiler complains that there is no more memory. Now I do understand all the banking that is done in assembly because only 5 bits exist to reference the ram in the assembly op code. I was just wondering if there is a easy way to use the RAM without going into swaping and copying to and from the addresses including and above 0x30. Ideas appreciated.
In MOST cases a 1 element array can be used in place of a byte variable.
For example:
MyByte VAR Byte (1)
MyByte = 5
MyBtyte(0) = 5
One place an array cannot be used is as the index to another array, as in MyArray(MyByte).
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