BS2 and speed control for L298
I am trying to control 2 dc· motors via remote control,· using· the· BS2 to read· the signal· from· the receiver and pass on· to the L298 motor· controller.· Does the BS2··have· the ability· to do· PWM· for 2 separate· motors?· Also, am I just beating· myself up?· If so, what· is a good motor controller· with speed· control· for a reasonable· price that would· suit this application?· I have seen pololu serial controller and· the· HB25... any others?
You might take a look at the Parallax MoBoStamp-pe here. It includes two AVR coprocessors, each of which can output two channels of PWM continuously. The Stamp sends a command to the AVR for each channel telling it what duty cycle, and the AVR will sustain those duty cycles indefinitely until the Stamp commands a different setting.
·· Also, since you already have a BS2 and presumably a board you could use the PWMPAL which will plug right into the socket your BS2 plugs into and give you 4 serial controlled PWM outputs which are suitable for driving motors.· I hope this helps.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support