n00b help, sumobot model
Hi I need help, I don't know how to adjust the centering potentiometer. I don't know when I should adjust and when I should stop adjusting. The motors runs for a brief second then stops.
this is the program:
'{$Stamp BS2}
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
LMotor·· PIN 13
RMotor·· PIN 12
LStop CON 750
RStop CON 750
· LOW LMotor
· LOW RMotor
· Main:
· DO
··· PULSOUT LMotor, LStop
··· PULSOUT RMotor, RStop
··· PAUSE 20
··· LOOP
··· END
this is the program:
'{$Stamp BS2}
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
LMotor·· PIN 13
RMotor·· PIN 12
LStop CON 750
RStop CON 750
· LOW LMotor
· LOW RMotor
· Main:
· DO
··· PULSOUT LMotor, LStop
··· PULSOUT RMotor, RStop
··· PAUSE 20
··· LOOP
··· END
·· When this code is running it will continually send out the center pulse to the servos.· Once you have the screw adjusted so that the servos are not moving they should be centered.· If they are moving at all they are not centered.· While at the center point during adjustment you should notice that moving the screwdriver one way makes the servo spin one way while moving it the other way past center should make it spin the other way.· You want the spot in between where it stops.· I hope this helps.· Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support